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Traction or extender device

Traction or extender device

I’m planning to buy a enlargement device in the near future but don’t know which to get the auto-extender or size genetic traction device

Is there any advantages or disadvantages to an extender compared to a traction device

I’m thinking about buying a auto-extender or size-genetic

I’m using the JES-Extender, and I will buy a BIB-hanger in the future (when my dick is too large to fit in my extender :P).

Point the first- An ‘extender’ is a ‘traction device’.

Point the second- Bib hangers have nothing to do with [JES] extenders; hanging and ‘traction’ are complementary but ‘separate’ activities- traction devices, particularly those in the JES vein, apply less than 1 Kg of force [they tell you that you will end up applying up to 1300 gms- that’s bullshit, the application method of the extender to the wang doesn’t permit extended application periods at higher tensions] whereas you can hang significant poundage off your wang with a good hanger [Redi-Stretcher is a good alternative to the Bib and handles up to ~10Kg- the ease of application will encourage the consistent use that hanging requires, particularly from a hanging newbie]

Point the third- the autoExtender* applies by compression whereas the JES extender [and comparable knockoffs] apply by silicone noose**- widely acknowledged as risky to the nerves around the glans. Other options are the PeniMaster, secured by an inch wide strap*** and the Phallosan [a rootloop belt variant on the PenisPlus] works with a vacuum condom****

The most important aspect to an extender is the application method- if it hurts you really won’t use it, no matter what you think. SizeGenetics is a noose, JES is a noose, Andro-Penis is a noose- a noose is a noose is a noose— whose name is on the fancy wooden box doesn’t mean they weren’t all made in the same factory. Look at the application method and forget the ‘brand’ name- AutoExtender, PM, PhalloSan or JES noose- those are the real substantive differences.

*Tried it and couldn’t make it happen- the compression hurt like hell.
**Hurts like holy hell after a while, glan numbness and the noose keeps slipping.
***Bought an after-market head for my JES knockoff and I love it.
****Tried it and no way- hurts like holy hell to apply.
Personally I’m happy with my aftermarket PM head

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Last edited by androNYC : 01-10-2006 at .
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