Tried to stealth PE and got caught lOl
So I’ve been doing PE for about 6months now I’d say, with some good gains but I haven’t measured. So times I miss days but lately I’ve been on schedule, 2 on 1 off. Lately, this little Asian chick that I’ve been dealing with for a while been moaning a lot more & saying things under her breath. The other day she says to me, “your dick is getting bigger from fucking me so much BC I don’t remember it being that big when we got together” I just laughed. Mind you, I’m 8x5 naturally before any PE. So anyway, she always suspect me of fucking other women, etc.. So she’s always snooping around my things in the house. So last week or so I ordered a bath mate and it came in like 2 days. On the day it got there she wasn’t home ATM so I proceeded to try it out for the 1st time in the shower. As I’m in there just starting to get the hang of this thing, I hear the house door open and I know she’s home. So I hide the bm in my towel b4 she comes in but she manages to see the bulge under the towell and asks what it is but I tell her it’s nothing but she insists otherwise but leaves out the bathroom. A few days later I’m out at a Halloween party and she text me saying she knows about my bath mate, she found it and that I should of told her & why do I have it, the million question run down lol. She says she knew my dick has been “changing” hahaha She’s cool about it tho, I knew she would be but I just never said nothing. I actually think it turns her on, bitch is a freak man! Now she wants to watch me pump lol. She asked me y I do it but I didn’t give her an straight answer. Told her it keeps ur dick healthy and makes it bigger at the same time lol anyway PE does work, at least for me Ima say it has been just have to be steady & patient, & persistent. Haven’t measured but I will soon, gunna get a full month of pumping in and continue stretches, jelqs, sadsak slinkeys, jelq squeezes. Have a nice day gentleman