Thunder's Place

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Trouble finding my LOT.need some help

Trouble finding my LOT.need some help


Well I checked out Bib’s LOT theory so I went straight to the bathroom and tried to find my LOT.but I couldn’t. My penis retracts in any direction, 12:00 or 6:00, it just doesn’t stays still (or at least I think so). What am I supposed to be looking for exactly and also does it has to be completely flaccid?

Please some help!

Most people here agree that LOT doesn’t matter.

Originally Posted by g6SS
What am I supposed to be looking for exactly and also does it has to be completely flaccid?

If you don’t know what LOT is supposed to tell you, why are your trying to measure it?

LOT was supposed to tell hangers which direction of hanging was best for gains based on the angle at which the visible tug-back (movement of the penis during a flaccid kegel) was no longer visible as the penis was moved in an arc from straight up down through an imaginary clock face perpendicular to the body.

It has been shown, several times, not to be predictive of anything. We’ve said that many, many times since the experiments to disprove it were done a couple years ago.

For some reason it’s easy for members to find information about LOT, but no one seems to find the dozens of posts that say it doesn’t work.

Ignore the LOT number. It was for hangers and didn’t do what it was designed to do. The presence or absence of an individual’s LOT number is meaningless.

Really? he he sorry guess I didn’t read enough but thanks anyway

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