Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Having Trouble Finding Time. Advice

Having Trouble Finding Time. Advice

While I’ve joined a while ago, I still haven’t really gotten much of a chance to work on PE as I’m still living at home with family. Finding time to use the bathroom for PE (without running risk of embarrassing interupptions) is difficult, so I’m wondering if there is any advice other’s might have for me (quick routines that still work, exercises that don’t need lube or warm-up that can just be done in bedroom and avoid using bathroom). I’d appreciate any help

I am in your same parents are always around so what I do is a wait until night time when they are asleep and do it then. Just be careful that if they walk in you can quickly make it look like you aren’t doing anything. The best way to do this is lay on your bed with all the lights and everything off and if the door opens don’t make any noise so they think your asleep. For a warm-up, one thing you could do is pretend like you have a back ache and use a heating pillow if you have one.

Come on guys, just go in the shower and say your sore from school and need to take a long hot shower. Works every-time.

Sore daily? Your parents are going to think your teachers rape you.

Look into doing Dry Jelq’s then there is little mess. You really should warm up, try the rick sock technique its quite discrete and easy to hide.


Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Well what I’d suggest, would be for a warm up soak a small rag in water, then ring it out, then put it in the microwave for about 30 secs. It’s pretty warm, then after you’re finished you can use the same rag to wipe up (the lube) and then take a shower afterwards to clean up and warm down.

Originally Posted by firsttry
While I’ve joined a while ago, I still haven’t really gotten much of a chance to work on PE as I’m still living at home with family. Finding time to use the bathroom for PE (without running risk of embarrassing interupptions) is difficult, so I’m wondering if there is any advice other’s might have for me (quick routines that still work, exercises that don’t need lube or warm-up that can just be done in bedroom and avoid using bathroom). I’d appreciate any help

A lock…

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1. Take a shower before you go to your warmup in there
2. Go in your room and lock the door
3. Do your thing, but be ready to look like you’re doing something else in a moments notice.
4. Use a washcloth to clean up and stuff. Hide it somewhere and throw it in the laundry every couple of days or whatever

It can be a pain in the ass but it should be do-able

Starting Stats (5/21/06) - BPEL: 6.75 | NBPEL: 5.75 | EG: 5.75 (Mid) 6 (base)

Current Stats (8/21/06) - BPEL: 7.00 | NBPEL: 6 | EG: 6.0 (Mid) 6.375 (base)

My new Goal: To have the volume of a Coke can (21.65625 cubic inches ;) )

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