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PE related moan, and wet jelqing question

PE related moan, and wet jelqing question

My lifestyle is just not conducive to a proper PE regime at the moment.

I don’t have my own place at the moment, and I’m kind of the littlest hobo, right now. The only PE I’m doing is some manual stretching and a little dry jelqing, that is serving as a maintenance routine.

Haven’t gained any length for ages.

Don’t think I have any other options, but I know you guys are full of good ideas.

While I’m here, I might as well ask a wet jelqing question that I’ve been meaning to for a while: Do you get flaky unattractive skin on the palms of your hand from wet jelqing?

I use aqueous cream for jelq lube. I find it’s the best consistency for grip/slide combo. Open to trying other lubes though.

I’ve used baby lotion: not bad, but a little too oily.

Baby oil: too slippery and thin.

Vaseline: can’t wash the darn stuff off.



Try Vaseline Intensive Care Hand Cream (or something like that its called) its good stuff.

Slack's Special routine for Slackers
Stretches before/during/after bathroom breaks
100 1-2secs jelqs at 74% erection during bath/shower
Bed fowfers
Kegels (but ONLY when eating mint choc chip ice cream, this stimulates the BC muscle in ways that other ice creams could only dream of**)

**Not true

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Slack
Slack's Special routine for Slackers
Stretches before/during/after bathroom breaks
100 1-2secs jelqs at 74% erection during bath/shower
Bed fowfers

Have you gained while on this routine, Slack?



Originally Posted by Ziggaman
Have you gained while on this routine, Slack?

I only started it a few days ago, but I like it so far. Bigger flaccid hang if nothing else! (always a bonus)

I try to nail 200-300 jelqs, but I get so damn BORED I usually settle for 100-150.

Stretching I’m going to increase tho, with some more stretches when I wake up and/or before I sleep.

I really should start using an ADS again too lol….

Ok I ended up babbling, but as Ive only been doing it a few days, I cant say I’ve gained erect size, but I’m happy with the flaccid increase though ;)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Slack
Kegels (but ONLY when eating mint choc chip ice cream, this stimulates the BC muscle in ways that other ice creams could only dream of**)

**Not true

For some reason, that reminds me of those diabetic blood sugar tester commercials where they say “it’s virtually pain-free… that’s right virtually pain-free!”

It’s as if they’re saying “it’s pain free*”
*Not actually pain-free.

It’s a zen-matrix thing I guess. You have to believe it’s pain-free for it to actually not hurt. If you’re the slightest bit doubtful, however, your finger turns blue and falls off.

Maybe that was totally off-topic, but I’ve been looking for an excuse to rip on that commercial for a couple hours now, and that was excuse enough for me.

Tu ne cede malis!

Start: 4 Feb 2006 BPEL=5.2" NBPEL=3.6" EG=4.9" turtle<=BPFL<=4.1" BPFSL=5.6" FG=4.1"


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