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Turkey neck and Dry jelqing

Turkey neck and Dry jelqing

I already have some Turkey Neck before PE, I’m just nervous that I’m going PE and this turkey neck is going to get terrible. Also I kind of experimented with dry jelqing today and it seems like it was stretching the skin more than when I wet jelq. Any pointers?

When you are able, you need to add a two stage cylinder pumping routine to your arsenal of weapons to fight turkey neck. This cylinder pumps balls and dick together and pulls the turkey neck down to your scrotum as your balls increase in size with the pumping action.

After you come out of the cylinder, I would recommend a cock ring BTB that is comfortable for you to wear most of the day. ALSO, I recommend a comfortable cock ring to be applied on your ballsack above your balls. That will draw the turkey neck down to your ballsack area. If I had to wear just one cock ring after I pump two stage, I would use the one around the ballsack above the balls. It pulls the skin down off the penis area into the ballsack area.

Try it. It works for me and I have a moderate turkey neck I hate. Your mileage may vary. Additionally when you pump your nuts, they get bigger and you get a mild bounce in libido by bringing blood down to your balls.

Good luck.

Well as of right now I’m totally fine with the turkey neck I have, I’m just afraid that if when I keep progressing with PE it will get worse. Is there any way to avoid or prevent this without going out and buying something? Maybe keeping one hand at the base to keep the scrotum skin towards the base? Just throwing out some ideas.

The thread is so long I can’t find any way to keep turkey neck from progressing. I just don’t want it to get any worse, I’m thinking about quitting PE if it’s going to get out of hand even though I don’t want to.

Here are shorter, but still useful threads:
turkey neck? fix it like this.
Turkey Neck Reduction
New stretch to reduce turkey neck

There’s plenty of information out there, just dig in & read. Don’t fear the long threads. Half of PE is knowing what to do & planning things out. The other half is actually doing it…

There are lots of quotes on the big thread (the first one I gave you) that a ball stretcher is the answer "I had some turkey neck start to develop but with the use of a weighted ball stretcher the turkey neck has disappeared"

Dry jelqs don’t worsen turkey neck, by what I know. If you are cut, you need some time to masterize the technique, though.

Some say a little manual stretching is all you need “Ball stretchers can be effective if you don’t have much of a turkey neck. If you have a turkey neck that extends an inch or more up the underside of your shaft (while flaccid) then a ball stretcher when put into place will only be stretching scrotum skin thus not helping your problem. If your turkey neck is only apparent when erect then one will likely keep a turkey neck from developing while flaccid and fix the problem for your erect state. I also still contend that it is very minmimal tension on the appropriate skin and one could achive the same reults much quicker with the manual stretching.” (from the first thread I posted)

Just research it, try stuff out, see what works for you. Good luck.

I know I just don’t want to start tugging away making things worse that I can’t fix. I just want it to stay put and let me gain.

What could I use to keep the already built up skin out of the way while I’m jelqing? Does keeping the skin back while jelqing and stretching stop the TN effect from happening?

I just hold my ball skin back with one hand and jelq with the other. I’m pretty sure a lot of guys do this.


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