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Twinge while stretching/jelqing? Is it nerve related?

Twinge while stretching/jelqing? Is it nerve related?

Hi all, just wondering if anyone gets minor twinges every now and then stretching or jelqing. I got mine when I was doing my routine. Specifically I was stretching but it went away quickly and I felt no pain after. It was a tiny bit painful during the twinge, so I stopped and felt for any more pain anywhere, tested my sensation in parts of my unit and then tested my EQ and it was all fine. But I still want to make sure no slight bad things happened. I warmed up fine but I could probably play it safe and warm up a bit more, I think it would help.

When you guys are doing the routine, do you feel any slight pain or twinges or sensations besides normal? I was thinking that it is possible stretching puts some stress on a nerve in my unit for very short periods of time. Or, stretching pulls some tissue around the nerve which indirectly bothers the nerve a bit. Kind of like when you bump your funny bone (the nerve on the inside of your elbow) on something and get a slight jolt but nothing serious. I am worried since I occasionally feel slight twinges like what I mentioned.

In the future I plan to reduce my intensity by a bit but I was wondering if others have felt twinges. Again, there is no pain after the session or any time, just the quick, short twinge that is hard for me to describe since it is short. Thanks!

Yeah, I have the occasional twinge or flash of minor pain. You just have to use your judgement. Pause and see if the pain was just momentary. If you resume, does the pain happen again? Is the same twinge happening frequently? PE should never hurt, but bodies aren’t perfect, and sometimes a nerve just goes off. Listen to your body and you should be fine.

Why the Smithsonian? Because you could walk around it for a week and not see the whole thing.

Originally Posted by The Smithsonian
Yeah, I have the occasional twinge or flash of minor pain. You just have to use your judgement. Pause and see if the pain was just momentary. If you resume, does the pain happen again? Is the same twinge happening frequently? PE should never hurt, but bodies aren’t perfect, and sometimes a nerve just goes off. Listen to your body and you should be fine.

Thanks Smithsonian for the reply. How long have you been PEing for/ how conditioned is your unit?

Yes, I was basically wondering if others get these twinges. I am carefully watching my EQ after the twinge but sometimes it is low after a session just from the session, so in the hours after a session it is hard to tell if the twinge caused damage or not. In this case, I did not have pain but was still wondering if the twinge meant something was wrong.

Anyone else experience similar?

Originally Posted by Peinjuryfree
Thanks Smithsonian for the reply. How long have you been PEing for/ how conditioned is your unit?

Yes, I was basically wondering if others get these twinges. I am carefully watching my EQ after the twinge but sometimes it is low after a session just from the session, so in the hours after a session it is hard to tell if the twinge caused damage or not. In this case, I did not have pain but was still wondering if the twinge meant something was wrong.

Anyone else experience similar?

Yep I had the twinges, was a minor injury I took a week off and it sorted itself out.

Was on the left side very near my base, realized I’m gripping tighter while jelqing with my right hand which caused it also was trying to get as close to the base as possible.

Originally Posted by TheTerrible
Yep I had the twinges, was a minor injury I took a week off and it sorted itself out.

Was on the left side very near my base, realized I’m gripping tighter while jelqing with my right hand which caused it also was trying to get as close to the base as possible.

Thanks for the reply, when in doubt I will probably just take a week off. Better safe than sorry. Anyone else had twinges?

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