Unstretchable Ligs?
Is there a way to tell if your ligs are even stretchable? Meaning, do you think some people can benefit virtually nothing from stretching?
I know it’s probably difficult to say with any type of certainty, but maybe there are clues. Maybe in the stretching? Maybe the way your penis hangs?
I hate stretching because I take a week-long trip to negative P.I. town every time I do a stretching session for more than 5 minutes. I don’t pull hard at all and my grip at the glans is feather light (barely strong enough to hold on and do the stretch). Sometimes I get pain from stretching, especially going anywhere near a down direction. Stretching up doesn’t feel too good either.
Maybe my ligs can’t be stretched? My BPFSL is basically the same size of my BPEL (maybe 1/4” longer on some days) and that would suggest that I need to focus on my tunica anyway since my EQ has been static at 9-10 my entire life.
I just find the relationship between stretching and jelqing to be so similar, which is why it confuses me. Jelqing is, in effect, a stretching motion but I get no negative P.I.s from jelqing. I’ve done 800-1000 jelq sessions only to have my dick turn around, look at me, and say “is that all you got?” I give him 5, 30 second stretches and he screams bloody murder.
Thoughts guys?