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Use of PC muscle during sex

Use of PC muscle during sex

How does strengthening it help us here exactly? Is there a deliberate use of the PC muscle during sex to improve performance ie. ‘squeeze for this long when…’ or is it just that we strengthen it and in doing so performance will improve without any specific deliberate effort during the actuall act?

Hey Roadto8,

The PC muscle can perform a variety of sexual functions. For one, it gives you a great swell when you kegel. Also, if you clench your PC very tightly at (or slightly before) the point of orgasm, you can actually hold back on shooting your load, still have an orgasm (some guys claim to have a weaker than normal orgasm when doing this), and still remain erect. Not to mention, if you use your PC muscle just as you start to feel an orgasm coming on, the feeling will subside thus increasing your stamina (note: it helps to stop or slow down movement for at least a split second to decrease stimulation so you are not fighting against your urge to have an orgasm so much). Finally, having a strong PC muscle will help you ejaculate with more force. Not sure exactly how much that has to do with the sexual performance part, but it is definitely more impressive. :)

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Roadto8 - read this and ask questions in that thread.

Well, last night I had sex with my girlfriend.

Nothing unusual except that it felt absolutely fucking amazing!
She felt alot tighter and became deeper - deep enough to pretty much take me all the way.

Afterwards I was wondering “WTF” with a big grin on my face.
I asked her wtf and she said she had been squeezing me hard the whole way through.

How I did not particularly notice her squeezing during the act escapes me, maybe I was too wrapped up in the feeling to analyse why it was so good, at the time.

But yeah, the point being, for either party, the PC muscle rules!!!

One should learn how to know muscle PC and to make use of it as young.

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