Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Using Extender the best method for length gain?

Originally Posted by quim92
how do you know if youa re pullign too much? I really think I am putting too much intesity with my sock V stretch and normal stretches. I guess hanging applies more tension than manuals but most people that do it consistently, tend to gain well. that is kinda contradictory…

I actually believe that manuals can apply more tension. I could probably pull with 60 pounds of force plus. Probably a lot more. However, I couldn’t maintain that pull for long and the reality is that unless I am a machine the pull will vary in strength from one moment to another.

That is one of the reasons that I like hanging. I know exactly the amount of weight that I am using. I know exactly the amount of time that I am using at that weight. We each have different levels of strength and probably more important we each have a different tolerance to pain and discomfort. Just the words “pulling to much” can have 10 different meanings to 10 different people.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Originally Posted by marinera

Manual stretching is probably the most efficient method for gains, having the highest time/gains ratio. It should be done the right way though : which is not pulling with a lot of force. Neither is toughening ‘a myth’, the number of people who reached a plateau because applied too much intensity is countless; many of them started gaining again after a long decon-break and/or switching to lighter forces.

My issue with this statement is this site pushes people to a newbie routine that is manual. If there where four other websites with similar levels of traffic and similar levels of population (ethnicity, age, any other variable) but each of those sites had a different newbie routine. I would bet that they would show that each site’s newbie routine having the highest time/gains ratio.

Site A. Newbie = Extender
Site B. Newbie = Hanging
Site C. Newbie = Pump
Site D. Newbie = Clamping

If you really think about it many people stop doing the initial routine after they get the newbie gains. Now they switch to another method out of frustration to get the hard gains. The gains that you really might have to work for.

It could be that manuals is not truly the most efficient. It is just what the majority of people do to get the initial gains. This website steers people to the newbie routine. It grossly skews the numbers in the favor of manuals.

I am not arguing against a manual routine. It has many advantages. But I think the numbers are distorted in its favor.

There is a liquor store a city away that has sold more winning lottery tickets than any other in my state. Is it a magic store? Are your odds truly better of winning the lottery at that store?

No. It has a line going around the block and does a 100 times the traffic of any other store. That’s why it sells more winning lotttery tickets. It has become a self fulfilling prophecy.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

well, I have to agree with all of you guys, you speak the truth.

@marinera: what are your thoughts about extender?

I’ve read “Tricks and Tips for manual stretching” and studying it, you’re right, force applied doesn’t matter. I was wrong about the term ‘toughtening’. I was so silly, damn it!

Originally Posted by bhcentral

My issue with this statement is this site pushes people to a newbie routine that is manual…..

I agree with you that manual stretching can apply way more force than hanging; I believe this is a serious disadvantage of manual stretching. I think it should be explained better in the newbie routine the correct way to stretch avoiding precocious toughening.

As for the rest, there are a few things to consider. First, when I signed on TP there was kinda a consensus that hanging was the ‘ultimate length technique’; this consensus was due to two things mostly: 1) hanging hits our imagination at a primordial level : how couldn’t hanging a weight from your penis bring gains? 2) Biggest gainers (according to theirs own tales and nothing else though) in both length and girth were hangers.

But when you consider the naive thought (no offense intended, I hung too) sub 1) at the light of the few real things we know, the fashination subsides a lot (for me at least):

a) major hanging ‘promoters’ are not reliable IMHO; not credible gains through not credible routines, no pics etc.;

b) hanging theory is ludicrous; no other PEers have been filled with so many wrong ideas, like ‘inner penis shifting out’, ‘healing shorter when recovering’, LOT theory, scars in the penis and what not; and the fact that some of hangers report in a way or another that those ideas are consistent with theirs experience just means that listening these people is nothing but a waste of time, probably some of them never did any PE and are just posting imaginary things for a reason or another.

c) look at this poll results:

For those who tried both: what gave you best gains, hanging or stretching?

I think it doesn’t accord with your opinion that manual is high rated just because ‘newbie gains’; and remember that most of votes were given in the poll when no one could argue that hanging wasn’t the best of the best without being attacked in a pretty harsh way (which happened many times to me also, even by other mods).

Originally Posted by overdoseads
well, I have to agree with all of you guys, you speak the truth.
@marinera: what are your thoughts about extender?
I’ve read “Tricks and Tips for manual stretching” and studying it, you’re right, force applied doesn’t matter. I was wrong about the term ‘toughtening’. I was so silly, damn it!

I think extenders are the ‘slow but sure’ way to length gains, meaning that probably more people will have gains using an extender than with other techniques; it is very slow though, correct manual exercises can give faster gains to a significative percentage of people. Beside that, manual exercises have many advantages, not least the great variety and precision in targeting spots that you can’t hit with other techniques. Hands are by far the best PE device, there isn’t anything so amazingly strong and smooth : no way you can hang more than, say, 60 lbs from your penis without serious discomfort, where many newbies apply probably more than that force when manual stretching without even being aware.

I also believe extenders and hanging are pretty much the same thing, the first one being the rational approach for several reasons that I have explained elsewhere even too many times, so I’m not going to repeat here. :)

I see the poll results but I still wonder in 2007 wasn’t the initial routine a stretching manual routine?

Most people agree that those initial results that you get in 1 to 3 months can take a year or more to get again. If I am wrong let me know. But I read posts all the time where people state they got newbie gains of that first inch or maybe 1/2 inch and then it took them quite a while to get another 1/2 an inch.

If in 2007 most people started with hanging and not manual stretches I will concede. But I would bet almost anything that the majority of people started with manual stretches. Got those initial gains with those same manual stretches and then went on to hanging or something else and struggled for that next inch.

I just feel that initial gains and post initial gains are apples and oranges. It isn’t fair to compare the two for effectiveness. With that thinking I believe when most people did your survey they where comparing initial newbie manual gains vs hanging gains. Apples and oranges. I’ll concede that I’m wrong if people weren’t doing a manual routine as a newbie routine and if more people started their PE career as hangers.

For the record my first go many years ago was a manual routine that I got mail order.

In regards to hangers from then I truly don’t know. They could all be the biggest liars. I have know way of knowing. Yes I am sure the theories have evolved and gotten better. All I know is I have gained from hanging. I might not understand why but I won’t worry to much about it.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Why are you supposing that voters are comparing initial gains with later gains? Out of curiosity, I started with hanging not manual stretching.

I am making the assumption that most people start with the newbie routine. It is what most people tell the newbies to do. It is what is advised with the newbies start here thread. That is from 2004.

I’m not saying everyone starts with it but I am sure the majority do. Heck that is usually the first response to every new person’s first post.

So there intention might not be to compare initial gains to post initial gains but that is what happens when most people start with the newbie routine

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Most of people starting with manuals doesn’t means that people who voted are unable to understand what works better. Have you ever read the story of somebody who started with manuals, gained something than jumped on hanging gaining nothing then again gone back to manuals started gaining again?

In the end there isn’t much to argue a way or another: people, try many things and see how they work. Time is a gentleman. After being here for many years and having read way too many posts, what I get is that pumping is the worst option for permanent gains, hanging comes second. At least pumping is funny and gives impressive temporary gains.

There is a reason why the hangers forum is pretty much dead.

There are forums devoted to pumping or hanging; by what I can say there are a lot of pics of temporary gains in pumpers forums, but rarely reports of permanent gains; there are many people reporting impressive gains in hangers forums, but about zero pics proving that; beside that, some of those gainers came out selling something.

By the way, tribes hanging rocks to their penises and gaining monstercocks are just a myth, by now they would have been proven if ever been real - It is another piece of the naive mindset behind hanging (no offense intended, remember that I spent some time on hanging myself).

I never believed the tribes. I will never sell anything on here. Other sites have more active hanging forums. This includes sites that are not dedicated to a commercial hanging product.

I have read first hand that hangers don’t post here because they felt they where attacked. Just like how you felt the old hangers would attack you, they feel the same way. They come here asking questions and they don’t come back. That is a big reason why this site’s hanger forum is dead.

I personally never gained from pumping. It was 20 years ago and it was a cheap pump.

I never gained from manual stretching but I do believe that memento’s routine probably could have done it for me, but I had a scare with that routine.

For my personality I like knowing the exact amount of force being applied.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

I was not saying anything specific on you. BHC, just speaking in general. :)

Which forums have so active hanger sections? It seems we get lof of hangers back lately because other PE forums have a way more inactive forum than this one.

Originally Posted by bhcentral

I never gained from manual stretching but I do believe that memento’s routine probably could have done it for me, but I had a scare with that routine.

Don’t be scared. If you are quite conditioned, this routine will give you gains. I’ve gained from it.

Originally Posted by Tidio
Don’t be scared. If you are quite conditioned, this routine will give you gains. I’ve gained from it.

Started having pains located where the left femoral artery was. Kept having these pains when I was doing the Horse 440 and Sadsak head exercise. These pains in upper left thigh would persist after routine was done.
Because it was so close to the artery I was getting very concerned. This happened a few times. It might have been something else entirely but it actually gave me quite a scare. Last thing I want is embolism going to lungs, heart or brain.

Probably just being a chicken but we each have our own risk vs reward that we live with. Up to that point I loved the routine and I truly felt I would grow with it. First stretching manual routine that I actually felt something.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

This could be a problem. Maybe Uli#3 and some bends would be good substitution for Horse squeezes? Just thinking…

The priority is to be healthy and, later, gain, so it’s worth a respect what you wrote.

Happy gaining.

Originally Posted by overdoseads
Hanging, it requires a huge privacy time ((2 hours to complete just 4 sets = 80 minutes time under tension)) and a perfect hanging technique and boring, not a very wise approach with people who have little to no privacy.

I am a big fan of hanging but you are exactly right. I’v always maintained that hanging is both the best and worst form of PE, depending on the guy. If you don’t have the privacy it is pretty much a no-go.

Do be aware that extenders are not as stealthfull as you might think. If you go that route practice walking and bending in private before you go out and wear baggy pants.

Originally Posted by overdoseads
PE is dangerous and uneffective without proper technique

The fact that you understand that means you are a guy that can do PE (mostly) safely.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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