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Using Extender the best method for length gain?


thank you iamaru for the advice regarding extender. i am very appriciated so many vets come in my thread and give great advices

@bhcentral and marinera: IMO manual stretching, hanging and extending are essentially the same. with hanging you will need a refined wrapping and attachment technique to hang properly, which requires a lot of times praticing, otherwise you wont get a millimetre. I have seen alot of guys had horrible hanging technique, like marinera said, that clamp style hanger doesnt pull from the tip, it actually limits gain, and if you have a poor technique, your skin will take most of the stress instead of your actual shaft/penis. imo thats one of many reasons hanging doesnt work for some guys and beside, hanging is based on creeping the tissues.

with manual stretch, one can stretch in many direction and adjust direction very very fast. but the time your hand can maintain is not as long as hanging or extending. Its also alot easier to master the technique than hanging (especially with a clamp-style hanger) beside that, manual PEer can utilize stress relaxation technique which is very ingenious. manual stretching has alot more advantages, I cant say it all here.

lasty, traditional extender are based on creep, the same with hanging but using less force, but requries more time, as marinera said, gains come more slowly. with hybrid extender or screw-adjust type, you can utilize stress relaxtion by turning the screws to increase FSL over time and keep at that max length as long as you want. and one more time, your technique is still the most important. i have read that this kind of device can generate so much tension if you dont ease off into the stretch.

until now we cannot say what is the best, it is just what you prefer to other methods. not trying to be guruish, just want to state my own opinion. ;)

Well said Overdoseads. But please apply the Forum Guidelines about grammar and punctuation.

I think that this isn’t a cut and dry answer. The best solution is the one that works best for your day and balancing life/work. If you have a limited amount of time and not much privacy, manual works great. I use an extender and have already gained more than I did than with manual stretches, but its because I have the privacy to do this, but not the willpower to sit and manually stretch my penis for 30 minutes each morning. That doesn’t necessarily mean that extenders are better, just because I’ve already gotten a 1/4” in a month after years of failing to gain. Hanging is excellent for some people, but anyone who recommends it to a newbie is sadly mistaken, I’m sure. I started clamping when I embarked on this PE journey years ago and have had trouble gaining girth ever since, most likely from the damage I did.

Moral of the story? I think regardless of what you are trying to do, start out with manual stretches, move to an extender when the routine gets too long or you want long, steady force, and then move to hanging if you can’t gain any more after months of trying everything else. Just my two cents.

Originally Posted by yeahthatguy
I think that this isn’t a cut and dry answer. The best solution is the one that works best for your day and balancing life/work. If you have a limited amount of time and not much privacy, manual works great. I use an extender and have already gained more than I did than with manual stretches, but its because I have the privacy to do this, but not the willpower to sit and manually stretch my penis for 30 minutes each morning. That doesn’t necessarily mean that extenders are better, just because I’ve already gotten a 1/4” in a month after years of failing to gain. Hanging is excellent for some people, but anyone who recommends it to a newbie is sadly mistaken, I’m sure. I started clamping when I embarked on this PE journey years ago and have had trouble gaining girth ever since, most likely from the damage I did.

I agree with the sentiment here.

I sort of tried a bit of manual stretching in the shower before I discovered extenders and Thunders etc. Got some limited benefits but found it difficult to be systematic and consistent.

At least with an extender if used properly I found it fairly easy to be consistent. I got good results over 12 months and it made me a PE believer.

Now hanging probably works too but is not convenient for me to try.

All three methods can stretch the penis and so should work if used right. Pick the one (or ones) that work best for you and your lifestyle. The other point is to put effort and research into using whichever method(s) you use to optimize for you. PE is a work in progress and I find I am constantly modifying my approach to keep gaining. Recently I have been plateauing so am taking a few weeks rest break.

My latest discovery (for me) is that pumping while increasing girth has limited length gains. After a few weeks rest (from both extending and pumping) I believe I got a BEPL PB of almost 17 cms.

Originally Posted by austfred
I agree with the sentiment here.

I sort of tried a bit of manual stretching in the shower before I discovered extenders and Thunders etc. Got some limited benefits but found it difficult to be systematic and consistent.

At least with an extender if used properly I found it fairly easy to be consistent. I got good results over 12 months and it made me a PE believer.

Now hanging probably works too but is not convenient for me to try.

All three methods can stretch the penis and so should work if used right. Pick the one (or ones) that work best for you and your lifestyle. The other point is to put effort and research into using whichever method(s) you use to optimize for you. PE is a work in progress and I find I am constantly modifying my approach to keep gaining. Recently I have been plateauing so am taking a few weeks rest break.

My latest discovery (for me) is that pumping while increasing girth has limited length gains. After a few weeks rest (from both extending and pumping) I believe I got a BEPL PB of almost 17 cms.

Just curious, how much did you end up gaining from the extender over the course of a year? I know everyone is different, but my current plan is to put about that much time into wearing it as much as possible (hoping to reach 7.25” - 7.5” nbp from 6.25” and I’m already hitting 6.75” bp), before working on girth unless I get greedy. After years of doing it on and off, I’ve decided to commit to length for a full year or else I’m just going to give up. I work best on a deadline!

I do like the extender for the consistency, though. Once it’s on, I don’t really have the privacy to mess with it and end up going overboard like I would with hanging. I wake up, heat my penis, measure the extender rods, and forget about it for a few hours.

Combining different manual stretches with an extender is the best and most reasonable method to gain length.

The extender used alone is limited in that he is very limited in the direction it stretches.
So doing for example helicopter stretches and/or some fulcrum stretches, like before and after the extender, will maximize your gains.

Originally Posted by yeahthatguy
Just curious, how much did you end up gaining from the extender over the course of a year?

I gained about an 1 1/4” from 5 1/4” to 6 1/2” BEPL

wow austfred, what kind of extender have you been using?

Originally Posted by austfred
I gained about an 1 1/4” from 5 1/4” to 6 1/2” BEPL

Good to hear, man. I’m happy for you! If I can gain that much in the next year I’ll be happy.

Originally Posted by overdoseads
wow austfred, what kind of extender have you been using?

I started off with a cheap chinese proextender, then got a Vacextender head for it after I got about half my gains. Got a few blisters from overdoing it so moved to a DIY velcro strap mod for it. More recently I moved to using a LeLuv Slider extender (also with the DIY velcro strap) so I could try stress relaxation extending rather than creep as occurs with spring based extenders.

My experience is that the make of extender is not that important but its features and how you use it are.


Hanging + all day stretcher ADS…the multi-inch method


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