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Using Nocturnal Erections to PE

Using Nocturnal Erections to PE


I’ve been doing PE on and off for at least a year without any consistency and recently just got back into it for the 5th time. Reading posts from this forum is one of the driving forces for continuing PEing. Hopefully this round lasts longer.

I just struck on an idea that seems to work pretty well and so far only in the first couple days of testing it. A healthy male normally has 3 to 5 erections every night. So I thought I could use this to my advantage.

The idea is to clamp loosely enough to give a semi-erect state and go to sleep with it on. I fell asleep for a couple hours and woke up with an engorged unit, bigger than it would have been with the 10 minute clamps that I normally do in the shower. The difference from my normal shower clamping is this time the penis looked bigger and because it was not rock hard there was less discomfort. The erection gradually goes away back to a semi erect state. I imagine at the next nocturnal erection the same engorgement will take place again.

Any advice from experienced PE members are most welcome.

The problem with this is that it’s unsupervised. Theoretically you’d wake up before anything bad happened but there is the possibility the poor blood circulation could result in cell damage due to lack of fresh oxygen. The whole reason for the shorter periods of clamping, as I understand (I don’t do that), is to reintroduce blood. You can’t be sure the restricted blood flow will only be for short periods of time or that you’ll wake up in time to avoid the hazard.

On the surface it sounds good, but my unit is a little too important to me to risk that.

I would never do any form of PE whilst sleeping. What happens if something is going wrong but you CAN’T feel it. Example, say your penis is bleeding but it doesn’t hurt and you don’t wake up until next morning before you realise. You could be asking for some serious trouble. Bottom line, just don’t do it. It is not worth the risk.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

Yes, I would strongly recommend against any nocturnal PE.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Thanks to the senior members for their input.

Since the last entry I have read up on previous posts by Big Girtha and a few others. I am going to try fowfers, as it seems to be a much safer method.

I to do nocturnal PE but I use a jelly cock ring it gives the same effects you have described. With using the jelly cock ring you have less chance of injury because unlike the clamp the cock ring will continue to stretch. But it is still risky and not advised.

I think using a cable clamp is really risky while your asleep. What if you were to roll over onto your stomach and make the clamp tighten a few clicks too tight.

Wouldnt do it.

As others have said. Its too risky. Sure you could wake up with a bigger unit and perhaps this method is a great way to cement gains….but at the risk of killing off cells in your penis I’d stick to stuff in the daytime.

I’ve heard of people using VERY loose cockrings. I’ve done so before too. For a while after workouts and sometimes while taking short naps. But its still risky and I would never go a full night wit it on. An couple of hours at most, but this is using my loose cockring, in that it barely restricts blood. It’s not as tight as the cock ring I’d use for nicely plump erections. This one just about keeps post workout girth for a limited time.

Still, wouldnt recommend it.

Originally Posted by meatus2007

Thanks to the senior members for their input.

Since the last entry I have read up on previous posts by Big Girtha and a few others. I am going to try fowfers, as it seems to be a much safer method.

Good idea. Clamping and sleeping is extremely dangerous.

Horny Bastard

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