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Veins and Erections

Veins and Erections


I have been jelqing using PE for about close to a month now. I have noticed that there are some emerging and more prominent vein in my unit and my erections are better. However I dont understand the relationship between the two. I know that veins carry blood AWAY from the penis, so one would think that bigger veins and better erections might not be the case. I tried a search but there was no real help. Can anyone please explicitly tell me how bigger/more veins would cause better erections?



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newbie routine: Starting may 4, 2005 Starting erect length: 7.125-7.25" Starting erect girth: 6.0" Goal: 8.0" X 6.5" Feel free to check out my pics on my homepage, here's a link to my profile tommyroberts84

I will take a stab at this:

It is to my understanding that veins not only carry blood away from the penis, but also TO the penis.

This being said, bigger veins allow more blood to be carried to the penis for an erection. Hence when you have bigger veins, there is more blood, which causes a bigger and stronger erection.

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"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Either that or maybe you’re confusing the larger veins with arteries. I’m not sure, but is it possible those big looking veins are actually arteries (which carry blood from the heart to the organs)? Just a guess, I really have no idea.

Well, if the veins carrying blood AWAY are more prominent, doesn’t it stand to reason that the (not visible) arteries carrying blood FROM the heart must be more prominent, too? I mean, you can’t have one without the other, right?

Seems like a good sign to me!

PS: That is one of the best avatars on this site, tommyroberts… hilarious.

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Still thinking...

Originally Posted by sm
Either that or maybe you’re confusing the larger veins with arteries. I’m not sure, but is it possible those big looking veins are actually arteries (which carry blood from the heart to the organs)? Just a guess, I really have no idea.

The way I tell the veins apart is just by their blue colour. As far as i know, blue is only characteristic of veins, right? Commander you do bring up a good point that perhaps, behind the scenes, my arteries have improved aswell. And by the way thanks, I had no idea that avatar would be such a hit :p .

still thinking though,


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newbie routine: Starting may 4, 2005 Starting erect length: 7.125-7.25" Starting erect girth: 6.0" Goal: 8.0" X 6.5" Feel free to check out my pics on my homepage, here's a link to my profile tommyroberts84

Everything is enlarging in accordance with your new requirements. Inflow arteries and outflow veins both have to increase flow rate capacity to meet the new demands. Luckily your body handles these functions automatically, so you don’t have to worry about them.

remek wrote:
>It is to my understanding that veins not only carry blood away from the penis, but also TO the penis.

Not its wrong. Arteries carry blood into penis veins carry it away. Not other way around.

sm wrote:
>I’m not sure, but is it possible those big looking veins are actually arteries

Not it cannot be. Arteries are deeper inside the penis. What you see is superficial veins.

In my opinion having bigger veins and having better erections we can assume that blood flow in arteries is better.
But more importantly (in my understanding) firmer erections close the valves of those veins and less blood flows out so erection goes even harder and veins became more prominent.

My concern with PE is that one can actually enlarge veins to much or damage the vein valves using too much hand pressure so veins can start leaking and you will loose erections forever… Not what I would really want.

Originally Posted by jeldingmaster
remek wrote:
>It is to my understanding that veins not only carry blood away from the penis, but also TO the penis.

Not its wrong. Arteries carry blood into penis veins carry it away. Not other way around.

sm wrote:
>I’m not sure, but is it possible those big looking veins are actually arteries

Not it cannot be. Arteries are deeper inside the penis. What you see is superficial veins.

In my opinion having bigger veins and having better erections we can assume that blood flow in arteries is better.
But more importantly (in my understanding) firmer erections close the valves of those veins and less blood flows out so erection goes even harder and veins became more prominent.

My concern with PE is that one can actually enlarge veins to much or damage the vein valves using too much hand pressure so veins can start leaking and you will loose erections forever… Not what I would really want.

Whoa, that’s some scary shit. I’m not so sure though, from what you’re writing it would suggest that larger veins are a function of better erections. I understood the opposite, ie better erections due to bigger veins. I think that gp has offered the best info, everything in balance makes sense. Also, Not only do my veins look “larger/more prominent” they also look “healthier”. If we are conditioning the veins it would make sense for them to be healthier and function better. I guess the real question is “how do veins affect erections?”

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newbie routine: Starting may 4, 2005 Starting erect length: 7.125-7.25" Starting erect girth: 6.0" Goal: 8.0" X 6.5" Feel free to check out my pics on my homepage, here's a link to my profile tommyroberts84

Veins can accomodate to just about any humanly possible pressure - have a look at the veins on the forehead of an Olympic weight lifter. The one thing I worry about is pressure on the “one-way valves” in your penis when jelquing - they are what keeps the erection stiff.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

The more I think about this the more confused I am. Drawing an analogy to weight lifting, bigger veins are always a welcome sign. Wouldnt the same problem of valves exist in those veins? Weightlifting it’s almost impossible to not notice a change in your veins, both number and size. I know that your arms are not your dick, but analyze this perspective- faster your blood can be sent to the heart, the faster newly oxygenated blood can be sent to your arms. So it would make sense that delta veins, as a result of conditioning would always be a good sign…



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newbie routine: Starting may 4, 2005 Starting erect length: 7.125-7.25" Starting erect girth: 6.0" Goal: 8.0" X 6.5" Feel free to check out my pics on my homepage, here's a link to my profile tommyroberts84

Well with weight lifting don’t your muscles grow and actually push the veins up into your skin more so they look more pronounced? I think the veins are exposed more because when you had no muscles underneath the veins there was a lot of space between the bone and skin.

jeldingmaster, if what you say is true about veins getting too big from PE, is it possible you could create varicocele (varicose vein in the testicles) from PE? Apparently this is when a vein gets too big and, as a result, the blood gets stuck in the vein and can’t make it back to the heart. The blood gets stuck in your testicles (which overheats your sperm and kills it before it can get out of your penis thereby making you infertile). I may have varicocele - I’ll find out for sure in about three weeks.

sm wrote:
>jeldingmaster, if what you say is true about veins getting too big from PE, is it possible you could create varicocele

I don’t think so. As far as I remember my medical studies penis and scrotum has separate veins system so
PE (jelq) should not harm. I would not do any pumping if you suspect varicocele though.

Going back to valves thing.
It was long long time back when I studied as a medical student. I should look into books again to understand all this better. But I believe valves in penis veins are quite similar to veins in legs only they function the opposite way. In legs valves prevent blood flowing backward (because you stand most of the time blood is is having hard time to flow upwards through veins), so it valves (and if you move muscles) helps blood flow towards heart. In penis valves work opposite direction. When you get erect valves close and prevent blood flowing out of penis towards heart. In this case we care more about penis than heart.
As you may know many people suffer from varicose veins in legs. It is kind of leakage with dreadfull complications. I wont go into more details here as I did it already previously on thunders (well more or less).
People develop vein problems quite easy because of valve damage and enlarged blood vessels (valves can be normal in this case but relatively insufficient if veins enlarge, do not expect valves to grow accordingly). In my opinion jelqing and especially clamping very likely will damage valves and all of us should end up with leakage and limp penis sooner or later.
I don’t care about this too much because I am over 40 and sex is not that important anymore to me but if I would be in my twenties I would think it twice.
Don’t take it as advice. I don’t want to scare anyone. Just thinking out loud.

Originally Posted by jeldingmaster
In my opinion jelqing and especially clamping very likely will damage valves and all of us should end up with leakage and limp penis sooner or later.

That’s scary. Opinions on this subject?

By the way I forgot to mention here (I did in another thread). In my personal experience PE agravated my venous leakage from corpus spongiosum. I had a mild leakage for many years though.

I am not saying everyone will necessarily end up with leakage but I suspect some will develop it.

We will see in years to come. I am not in a hurry to make any general conclusions yet.

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