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Warm wrap question

Warm wrap question

Hey guys, first time poster (1 month lurker) here. Just a quick question about warm wrapping since I couldn’t find any information on the matter using search.

I warm up using a damp towel with a rice sock over it. I wrap both once around my unit and hold it in place without applying pressure. After doing this for 5 minutes, I notice that while my penis is hot and flaccid, it is not “spongy”, soft, or pliable. Rather, when I squeeze it it feels harder than my usual flaccid hardness. I am fairly certain this is not an indication of any sort of erection; I don’t feel any extra blood flow and the size does not get bigger. Rather, it seems almost as if my penis has hardened somewhat in its flaccid state.

Am I doing something wrong? As I’ve read from numerous threads, the warm up is one of the most essential parts of a warmup routine, so I want to be sure that I’m doing it right and my unit is in the right state for a workout.

Have you noticed this occurrence at any other time during the day?

Could it be that it’s too hot? Try modifying your method and see if you get the same problem. Maybe check your penis after a minute to see if it’s spongy or hard.

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