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Wet Jelqing, Pain & Erection

Wet Jelqing, Pain & Erection

Should I be 60-80% erect for the entirety of the jelqing process? After wrapping my penis in a hot and wet towel for approximately 5 minutes I usually masturbate until I’m on the verge of ejaculating, but then I decide to refrain from doing so. Subsequent to that, I decide to begin the jelqing process. During the jelqing process, My penis becomes less hard and, at the end, it hangs down completely (perhaps it’s at 40-60% erection strength - I don’t know), although it’s at a relatively long length in comparison to it’s usual flaccidity. I suppose that the cause of this consists of the fact that jelqing in and of itself isn’t sexually stimulating. Additionally, jelqing with the “OK” hand grip and following the wet jelqing video causes a considerable amount of pain. My foreskin doesn’t move over the glans nearly as much as it does in the video either; in fact, it barely goes over it at all. Is there anything that I’m doing wrong? This is my first time and I wet-jelqed a total of 20 times consecutively. I attempted to use the search function, and I couldn’t find a thread which contains answers to my questions to a full extent at least.

Start your session flaccid.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Start your session flaccid.

Will do. Am I supposed to make it erect at any time during the process for it to be done properly or can it be flaccid for the entire time? I’ve decided to refrain from stretching for the first two weeks to prepare my penis for that. If there’s anything benefit to having it hard, then I’ll do whatever I can to keep it that way. Also, I’m also starting out at around 7.75x5.75 as well; what a coincidence! Also, in the description of the video, it read “Create a standard OK grip at the base of the penis, ensuring a 60-80% erection;” I’m just wondering why that is.

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