Thunder's Place

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What are the BEST PE devices?

What are the BEST PE devices?

Bib Starter, Bib Hanger, Power Jelq, Captns Wench, Pumps, Penimaster etc.

I’m new to PE, only doing manual exercices for now, but am wondering if I should buy one of those to accomplish my exercices more effectively and efficiently.

Whoever bought one or some of these or is a veteran on PE is welcome to state on PE’s most effective devices.

The main topics that should be discussed:
Hanging vs. Manual Stretching
“Classic” Hanging vs. Long-time Stretching with Penimaster or similar device
Power Jelq device vs. Manual jelqing
What’s the best hanger?
(and so on….)

Thank you for all your statements on one or several of these topics.


IMO, a hanger is the most useful of the gadgets. Make one or buy a Bib. There are instructions available for several homemade styles.

I don’t think the Power Jelq has much of a following here. You can make one for about $10 using canning tongs and pipe insulation. If interested, do a search.

There are also several threads on homemade stretchers.

>The main topics that should be discussed:
Hanging vs. Manual Stretching
“Classic” Hanging vs. Long-time Stretching with Penimaster or similar device
Power Jelq device vs. Manual jelqing
What’s the best hanger?
(and so on….)<

The search button is in the upper right corner. :)

For hanging devices I recommend you start here: - bad link Penis Workshop

If you haven’t already, build a very simple AFB hanger, read up on hanging and attempt a few pounds. The AFB will give you a very clear idea of what you can expect from hanging. If you take to hanging at a low weight, consider ways of modifying the AFB to suit your needs or look into the many other available hanging devices.
I can’t say much about Power Jelq, Pumps, or Penis Muster.


Yeah, unless you are a commited hanger there’s not much point in shelling out for a Bibhanger. If you get into hanging thats another thing entirely.

I also have a PowerJelq and don’t use that. I think manual jelqing is far superior if a little harder to master. Its fairly inexpensive but for what it is its not cheap.

Any of the ads devices you mention are really only something that might help an already good routine, not something that will show gains on itself.

Pumps, dunno.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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