As long as your base does not have a flared or flanged edge, you can slip the band off the cylinder. However, an appropriate tension band used to maintain an erection for one with ED, is quite strong and is extremely difficult (some find it impossible) to get around a regular cylinder. Most VEDs come with a removable cone that when lubricated, allows the tension band to easily slip onto the the cylinder. When you are in the mood for intercourse, the ease of use and the fewer the distractions makes the experience that much more pleasurable.
I have suffered from ED for over 20 years and found PDE 5s became ineffective about five years ago. Since then, I have been using pumping as one of my major techniques to achieve and maintain an erection (Trimix injections is the other). When I started pumping I simply pumped up my erection, removed the cylinder, slid on the tension band and made due with what I had. However, about two years ago, I was given a VED by a gentlemen who was undergoing an implant and no longer needed his VED. When I used the VED, I found that “loading” the band onto the VED was significantly easier than sliding it down my shaft. In addition, the band that slid off the base of a cylinder, which is tightly compressed against the fat pad, lodges on the base of the shaft much closer to the pubic bone than one that is manually slid down the shaft thus resulting in a longer usable erection. I also find that my VED applied band results in a harder erection than a manually applied band.
Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"
Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"