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What is the BEST circumcision style, low or high

I’ve had circumcision aswell and I really don’t regret it.
But this ain’t a topic about if circumcision is good or bad, the guy just want our opinion about it, so:

Myself, I got tight&high. Can’t really tell if the low one is better coz I never had a low one, but ill try to answer:

Which one looks better when flaccid and erect?
Can’t really tell that since I only had a high one. But I can tell you that my dick looks fat when flaccid, which is a good thing(for me)

Do you like the colour change of a high?
Yea I do. I’ve actually never really tought about it, because it isn’t looking ugly or something so it didn’t attract my attention.

Do you like one skin colour of a low?

Which one feels better?

Which one is more sensitive or not much difference?
I assume you mean the glans? My glans has a perfect sensitivety. A lot of people say circumcised guys loose sensitivety at glans because it glides against pants, but thats not true. It ONLY would happen if you would like wear jeans WITHOUT any boxer or underpants. If you are just wearing boxers or underpants, nothing will happen.

Which one is MORE tighter, low&tight or high&tight?
I don’t know, but me with high&tight, it’s not like so tight that you can’t move it(talking about erected mode), but that would be weird if it was THAT tight. It’s really good like this.

Which one gives MORE harder erections?
Really doesn’t matter. You are doing nothing to the innerside of your penis, you just get rid of some skin. If circumcision would effect mans erection levels, I think nobody would do it anymore. I can tell you I get rock hard erections, becoming all veiny and stuff, so.

Which style do you think a woman would prefer?
My girlfriend had a guy before me. He was uncut. I never asked her about what she prefers. But last month, she suddenly started about it. She said:
”You know I really like cut penis better then uncut. Uncut ones look weird, espcially when they are flaccid. That tip of the extra skin when they are flaccid, just look hilarious. I really used to laugh in my head when I saw it”
So thats what my gf said. My gf’s gf also has a boyfriend with cut dick. I’ve talked to her in the past aswell. She had pretty much the same opinion, that cut looks better then uncut. Oh and if you ask which one they would prefer with high or low, I don’t know. She never had a low one.

Btw, guys that are uncut, don’t attack me like: ”Just coz your gf says that cut.” I know. Every girl has her own opinion. Ofcourse there are girls out there that prefer uncut.

Which circumcision will make the head/glan look bigger?
None I think, neither a cut or uncut. You gotta MAKE the glans bigger with PE ;)

Which circumcision will make the penis look bigger?
No difference again.

Should the frenulum be removed or not?
Hmm, why would you? Mine is still there. Didnt know they take that away aswell..

Do you like scar in the middle of penis, or hidden behind glan?
Hmm, I really never considered it as a scar. It looks more like a transition to an other part, including the glans.
I can’t really say that I really like the scar, that it looks beautifull or something, but neither it looks bad.

Last edited by trainingtzr5 : 10-29-2010 at .

Thanks guys. I still need an opinion from some one who is circumcised as LOW & TIGHT.

I really don’t know which one to go for, low&tight or high&tight:

I like the low&tight because I think it looks better as it has no colour change and it has a neat appearance. Also, the glan is more obvious and flares out, so the glan “looks” a lot bigger.

I like the high&tight because the inner skin feels good slightly. And for some reason the erections look a lot harder compared to low&tight (I think, not sure). I’m not sure why, maybe the inner skin is thin and tight and not as flexible as the outer skin.

You might think why would a tight circumcision give harder erections. I think this is because the tight skin compresses the veins and stops blood from going out, just like when you put on a clamp ring and your erections get bigger and harder. I really need an opinion from someone who knows what I’m talking about and knows a lot about circumcisions.

Well as for low and tight, your head is always exposed. I know of many girls who like the look of a circumcised cock. Beacuse..

1. Alot of guys don’t clean a uncircumcised penis, so they don’t do a good job cleaning.

2. The circumcised penis just “appears” nicer.

I am uncut but I keep the foreskin pulled out, so the head is always shown.

What I noticed is that the smegma dried and I also feel the unit cleaner. It doesn’t mean I stopped cleaning. :P

I know sometimes the foreskin comes back, but it is rare now due to the PE I’m doing.

Well, I didn’t want to answer your question because you just want cuts to, but I wanted to leave my testimonial as well…

Start: BPEL 5.3 4.2 EG [2010 Sep 11]

Now: (BPFSL 6.75) BPEL 6.5 x 5.0 EG (Newbie Routine) [2011 Jan 04]

Goal: NPEL 7.0 x 6.5 EG

Shimarts, your welcome to answer my questions as long as you’re not against circumcision.

Originally Posted by m21648
Which one looks better when flaccid and erect? No preference.
Do you like the colour change of a high? No
Do you like one skin colour of a low? Yes
Which one feels better? How would anyone know for sure unless they have had both? Mine is low, and not particularly tight, nor would I want it to be!
Which one is more sensitive or not much difference? It shouldn't make much difference.
Which one is MORE tighter, low&tight or high&tight? ?
Which one gives MORE harder erections? There won't be any difference.
Which style do you think a woman would prefer? I doubt they would care at all.
Which circumcision will make the head/glan look bigger? Neither.
Which circumcision will make the penis look bigger? Neither.
Should the frenulum be removed or not? Absolutely not, unless yours is weak and prone to tearing.
Do you like scar in the middle of penis, or hidden behind glan? As invisible as possible.

Considering everything, what is the best circumcision style, low & tight, or high & tight? Whichever you prefer. My preference is to maintain the maximum natural function of the penis, which means removing as little skin as is practicable.

In the UK, you will most likely find that the surgeon will give you whatever type he usually does, and personally favours.

The site you linked says “Note that the tightness of the above penis’ circimcusion forces some of the scrotum and belly skin to go on the shaft during erection making the penis appear not as long as it really is. For some males, if their penis shrinks much when soft, it may not be possible to acheive a tight curcumcision look when soft without having problems once hard with skin coming from scrotim and belly to compensate for extremely tight shaft skin”

I slightly worry that a site about circumcision manages to spell it wrong twice in the above paragraph, and even gets scrotum wrong once! But they are describing what the pictures show accurately.

Why do you want to be circumcised? I do slightly prefer the look, and had mine done when I was 19, but the last thing I would have wanted is either high or tight.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Why I want it tight as possible? Because it gives harder erections.

You might think why would a tight circumcision give harder erections. I think this is because the tight skin compresses the veins and stops blood from going out, just like when you put on a clamp ring and your erections get bigger and harder. You might not know this, but is there anyone that agrees with me?

Originally Posted by m21648

Why I want it tight as possible? Because it gives harder erections.

You might think why would a tight circumcision give harder erections. I think this is because the tight skin compresses the veins and stops blood from going out, just like when you put on a clamp ring and your erections get bigger and harder. You might not know this, but is there anyone that agrees with me?

Erection hardness is determined by the pressure in the Corpora Cavernosa. The only valves that are important in ‘stopping blood going out’ are at the bottom of these chambers. The scar from the circumcision, and the ‘tight’ skin will stretch to fit the erect penis.

There is absolutely no difference in erection hardness between an uncircumcised penis, a loosely circumcised penis and a tightly circumcised penis.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Firegoat, by having a tight skin, you are setting a limit on how much the penis can grow. If the penis is capable of growing further and the tight skin is restricting this, this will obviously cause pressure, therefore harder erections.

Originally Posted by m21648

Firegoat, by having a tight skin, you are setting a limit on how much the penis can grow. If the penis is capable of growing further and the tight skin is restricting this, this will obviously cause pressure, therefore harder erections.

Errr. No. It doesn’t work that way at all. If it did, PE would be impossible. There are plenty of uncircumcised guys with rock hard erections, as the skin plays no part at all. If skin wasn’t elastic, you couldn’t gain muscle and flex your arm, or the skin over your biceps would burst! Skin contains elastin, which allows it to stretch. If you repeatedly stretch it to it’s maximum, it will gradually adapt. Hence ‘foreskin restoration’ etc.

I work with skin (and muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints etc.) all day long, but even basic early school biology classes should have taught you enough about skin to know its basic properties. (:

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Yes and over time the tight skin will get loose slightly because of erections.

You got it. :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

So guys, if you HAD to choose one out of low&tight or high&tight, which one do you think looks better? I need many more opinions to make a decision.

Sorry this is my first post here, not new to PE but been lurking here at Thunder’s. But what do you class as ‘extremely long’ when you talk about your foreskin?

thats like asking whats the best female circumscription style? Clitoral hood only? Or Clitoral hood and clitoris?


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