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Whats the best newbie technique for flaccid gain

Whats the best newbie technique for flaccid gain


Just found this place so firstly wanted to say how cool it is :)

My question is what would be the best routine for flaccid gain? I’m naturally BPEL 7.25 so although the magical 8x6 would be great and I think it’s achievable I really like the look of my dick when it hangs flaccid after an erection. It’s so thick and swings around at just over 6”. I naturally hang at around 5” (does that make me a shower?) so I think getting to 6” flaccid is realistic.

I’ve searched around the site and Fowfer seems to be a recommended technique for flaccid gain (and bed Fowfer). I’ve just started with jelqing and manual stretching, anything else I could do? Also what sort of time frame am I looking at for 1” flaccid gain? Weeks, months, 6 months+? I know everyone’s different, but from what I’ve told you about my starting point what do you think?

Many thanks.


Try wrapping as well as btc stretches - this worked for me.


Try 360 degrees stretches.

Fowfers would be my guest.

What are fowfers?

How big are all you guys flaccid? I haven’t started PE yet (I keep meaning to, but I’m sidetracked from my other training and work), but I know I definitely want my flaccid to go up, as well as girth. Length is already good. Currently I sit at 8” length (or just under, depending on how aroused I am, sometimes I’ll hit 7.75” only), and 5.5” girth or so. I wanna be at that consistent 8x6 at least.

I’m also more interested in gaining flaccid rather than erect length.

Anyone else use fowfers, and have they worked?

Originally Posted by deluxe

Try wrapping as well as btc stretches - this worked for me.


What is btc stretches?

Originally Posted by Chthonian
Anyone else use fowfers, and have they worked?

Fowfers work. I do them about any time I can think of it…at work, at home, in the car, and when I get in bed. My flaccid length has substantially increased in weeks.

I find them most effective when you can apply heat in the warmup…either after a hot shower or using a rice sock.

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

As already mentioned fowfers are good. I like to do them after a PE session. And later on you can try pumping. But I do think all PE gives you flaccid gains. No techniques that only focus on flaccid gains. But it would be nice with some technique that really increased flaccid size. If someone finds one, please let me know about it.

Flaccid!yes!just for flaccid length!any other useful techniques?

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