Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

newbie gain report

newbie gain report

I’ve been following this board for some time, and have been sporadically doing PE for maybe 2 months. I only jelqed at first, and was very inconsistant. Then after reading about DLD’s blasters, I started doing some stretching. I haven’t even kept track of how much or how often, but couldn’t have been more than 15- 20 minute sessions 3 times a week. Honestly, I couldn’t see how anyone can do 3 x 50 blaster stretches as DLD describes. I’m believing this stuff works, but I have a hard time finding time. I took a tip from one of you guys, forget who but he said he only did several 5 minute sessions of dry jelq & stretches while at work. So this is my goal now, to get into a regular routine at work as I can easily manage that. If I could just have DLD’s private office …. ;-P

Anyway, I didn’t really expect to see gains very quickly, I know that 3 weeks ago I measured barely 6” NBPEL. After a week or two of random blaster stretches, I noticed that my erections were weak and it was taking me a long time to get an erection. I didn’t really think I’d done enought to overdo it, but I took a week or so off, only doing light dry jelqing. A few nights ago, after some great sex my wife told me she thought my exercises were working, that she could tell a difference. Since that night, I’ve had powerful erections everyday, and actually got a little tear on my shaft after some marathon sex. I think this was due to the skin stretching so tight. Well, I measured last night and I was definitely 6.25” NBPEL. I feel that I’ve gained a bit of girth, I haven’t worked out an accurate method for measuring this but it seems to be about 5.5” mid shaft. My penis is much wider than it is thick, very oval shaped in cross section.

Bottom line is, I’m a believer now and have my sights set on 8” x 6”. Thanks to DLD, BIB, Thunder, and everyone else for this terrific forum!


Re: newbie gain report

Originally posted by wesb
I've been following this board for some time, and have been sporadically doing PE for maybe 2 months. I only jelqed at first, and was very inconsistant. Then after reading about DLD's blasters, I started doing some stretching. I haven't even kept track of how much or how often, but couldn't have been more than 15- 20 minute sessions 3 times a week. Honestly, I couldn't see how anyone can do 3 x 50 blaster stretches as DLD describes. I'm believing this stuff works, but I have a hard time finding time. I took a tip from one of you guys, forget who but he said he only did several 5 minute sessions of dry jelq & stretches while at work. So this is my goal now, to get into a regular routine at work as I can easily manage that. If I could just have DLD's private office …. ;-P

Anyway, I didn't really expect to see gains very quickly, I know that 3 weeks ago I measured barely 6” NBPEL. After a week or two of random blaster stretches, I noticed that my erections were weak and it was taking me a long time to get an erection. I didn't really think I'd done enought to overdo it, but I took a week or so off, only doing light dry jelqing. A few nights ago, after some great sex my wife told me she thought my exercises were working, that she could tell a difference. Since that night, I've had powerful erections everyday, and actually got a little tear on my shaft after some marathon sex. I think this was due to the skin stretching so tight. Well, I measured last night and I was definitely 6.25” NBPEL. I feel that I've gained a bit of girth, I haven't worked out an accurate method for measuring this but it seems to be about 5.5” mid shaft. My penis is much wider than it is thick, very oval shaped in cross section.

Bottom line is, I'm a believer now and have my sights set on 8” x 6”. Thanks to DLD, BIB, Thunder, and everyone else for this terrific forum!


Great job and yes, your gains will happen! I THINK I have gained (not 100% sure and don’t wanna jinx it) but I do know my erection angle has gotten a lot better and I have the doughnut effect from jelqing, which some don’t like but I love it! Good luck with your PE journey!

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Re: newbie gain report

Originally posted by wesb
Bottom line is, I'm a believer now and have my sights set on 8” x 6”.

Wesb, I think once this belief is astablished the committment becomes very strong. Find a good consistant method of measuring and watch it very closely. I’m glad you are now part of the elite!

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

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