Thunder's Place

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What's the best routine to gain girth?

What's the best routine to gain girth?


I was wondering if anyone knows of a techniqe or routine that can get met to achive the greatest amount of grith in the shortest period of time, if anyone has any tips or advice please let me know, thanks.

from what i understood, its jelqing A LOT with a semi erect penis, about 80 % erection, not too flaccid !

and after a few weeks its uli squeezes and horse 440 (Sounds great, or what ?), but we little newbies are not supposed to do that right away, it s safer to wait with these things for 2 months or so, as they could damage little willy if the poor guy isnt yet used to all the heavy working out

(but i gained an incredibly 5 mm in 2 weeks, it s possible ! and its fun, too)

There is no “shortest period of time” with PE. Every man has gains at his own rate. Some never see it. PE is a long term commitment. Use the search button (top right of every page) and look for “girth routine” or “Uli” or “cable clamp” to see threads that might be of interest.

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