Thunder's Place

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Whats the difference between ULI and JELQ ?

Whats the difference between ULI and JELQ ?

Just read a guy saying “uli is when u grab your penis with a hand, ont he base of the penis, and sqeeze then pull towards the head, like trapping all the blood into the head, i dont know the long term effect, i guess it increase your head size, to dark vader helmet, not sure… “

the thing is that it sounds alot like jelqing, I dindnt know it was mainly for increasing head size ? Im lost.


ULIs are a very advanced routine- I wouldn’t be worrying about that right now. Get started with the newbie routine and get those techniques correct before you even consider moving on to anything else :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Re: nitro

Originally posted by 2in2002
ULIs are a very advanced routine- I wouldn't be worrying about that right now. Get started with the newbie routine and get those techniques correct before you even consider moving on to anything else :)

all right but since I dont know the difference between ULI and Jelq, how can I be sure if Im doing the first or the second one ?


Didn’t Thunder give you the hyperlink to that jelqing information in another post? I thought I saw that earlier. If he did, read it- then read it again- then read it one step at a time and practice each step while reading it. If you do not know how to jelq I would recommend you keep away from exploring these other posts until you get the basics down :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Re: nitro

Originally posted by 2in2002
Didn't Thunder give you the hyperlink to that jelqing information in another post?

yea, the problem is that the description of uli that I read in another board (“uli is when u grab your penis with a hand, ont he base of the penis, and sqeeze then pull towards the head, like trapping all the blood into the head, i dont know the long term effect, i guess it increase your head size, to dark vader helmet, not sure… “) sounds EXACTLY like the jeling hyperlink Thunder gave me, so Im confused

Got it ?:D

Have to agree with 2 here. jelq for around 2 months before considering ULI’s.

for your info though, jelqing is about moving fresh blood from the base in each milking stroke with a > 60% (often > 80%) erection. With the ULI #3 you actually use a tourniquet grip to trap the blood and push the same blood into the head repeatedly on a < 60% erection. So you are basically taking the blood that fits into a 60% erection and forcing it into the top part of your penis. There is another excercise (Sadsak’s head excersise) which might help you understand the uli if thats still not clear. With the Sadsak excercise you use an overhand ok (same as uli) but instead of pumping you add the fingers one at a time squeezing with each one as you put it on, so in the end position you have an overhand ok with all the fingers gripping and a great deal of blood in the head.

I’ll stress this again (and repeat myself). Don’t do these just yet, wait until jelqing builds up the strength of your penis. When I started I ignored that and suffered!!


I just looked at that link- pretty good basic jelqing instructions. Like I said- forget about the ULI, you don’t need to worry about that technique now and it is pointless to differentiate the two. Why? Because you will get confused. Go to the jelqing link and learn that- forget about the other stuff. If you are really confused and the link does not help, and you are feeling like you can not do this just by reading instructions without videos, you may want to consider

It is a pay site but he has videos for a lot of the different PE techniques :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

(Never wanted to try ULI, just was a lil confused)

thanks for the help guys

do you understand how to do the jelq properly from the info provided or do you need more info?

dont worry memento, I got it, much apreciated

to be honest, I do have one more question. Do I need to jelq downawrds or upwards ? Any difference ?


you should jelq towards the head (never the other way) :)

but you can jelq with your penis at any angle I jelq with a standard ok sometimes pointing up, sometimes straight out and with an overhand ok always pointing downwards. I find it much easier to produce more force with the overhand ok. you will feel a different quality of stretch dependent on the way you are pointing but I find down best. I also always jelq sitting with my hips rotated about 40% to expose as much of the length of the penis as possible to jelq with and it means that most of the time I’m pointing down.

In the end you’ll have to play with it to find out what works best for you and its something that you get better and better at. I thought I had it down in the first few days but I all the time I make tweaks and improvements and push more and harder.

Last edited by memento : 10-06-2002 at .

Originally posted by memento

you should jelq towards the head (never the other way) :)

but you can jelq with your penis at any angle I jelq with a standard ok often pointing up and with an overhand ok pointing downwards.

yea , towards the head, I know, actually I dont know exatcly what does “donwards” mean (english not my birth language) ehehe, but I think you got the point. So, the angle doesnt matter.

Sorry, I missed this one. Hopefully you have the info already.

If you don’t. Upwards and downwards just relates to the direction your penis is pointing. So downwards is toward the earth and upwards is toward the sky.

Funny thing about penis direction….. during jelq…

I generally will stand with my back slightly arched, hips forward, With an 80 - 90% erection. I will start with a PC flex, grab tightly on to the base and jelq toward the head as I point the penis downward about 45 degress. As I near the end of the stroke, I will lift upwards on my shaft to where it points straight out or slightly upwards, pc flex, then grab the base tightly again and jelq with the other hand again, shaft pointing downward.

For me, I feel like: the pc flex, hips forward, tight grip and downstroke really trap blood in the penis. Then when i lift up and release where penis points straight out, I get max bloodflow.. Then i will trap all that blood again on next downstroke. Throw in some pumps and other s queeze variations and when I am done, my cock is heavy and pumped. It looks like I just used a vacuum pump, but noticed it stays pumped longer and is heavier. I am very careful though when doing these.

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