Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When And How Did You Notice PE Changes/gains

When And How Did You Notice PE Changes/gains

I was wondering, when you guys first noticed some changes were happening.

Was it a comment from your partner?
A different feel in your hands /clothes?
Was it a visual in the mirror or looking down or doing a measurement?

Basically when was the moment that you thought, “wow this pe stuff works and I see and feel a difference”

Start: 7" BPEL top measure , 5" MEG, Flaccid:1"

Now: 7.5" BPEL top, 5.5" MEG, Flaccid:5"

Goal: 8" BPEL top, 6" MEG, Flaccid: 6"

All of the above.

Actually feeling something at the end of her canal, followed by “ouch that’s deep”

I’ve seen a few of these threads around. Comes up every so often.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Actually feeling something at the end of her canal, followed by “ouch that’s deep”

I’ve seen a few of these threads around. Comes up every so often.

I apologize, and my thinking was that would be the case… But it’s hard to nail down a search term for it.

PE would happen so gradually that I don’t think I would really notice unless there was this “big. Moment” like you mentioned where there was an apparent change.

Start: 7" BPEL top measure , 5" MEG, Flaccid:1"

Now: 7.5" BPEL top, 5.5" MEG, Flaccid:5"

Goal: 8" BPEL top, 6" MEG, Flaccid: 6"

I did an advanced search. Typed the word “notice” and put “search thread titles only” and came up with


So that prolly will be most of what you’re looking for.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
I did an advanced search. Typed the word “notice” and put “search thread titles only” and came up with


So that prolly will be most of what you’re looking for.

Thank you for your help Sir!

That was perfect

Start: 7" BPEL top measure , 5" MEG, Flaccid:1"

Now: 7.5" BPEL top, 5.5" MEG, Flaccid:5"

Goal: 8" BPEL top, 6" MEG, Flaccid: 6"

First, after 4 days noticing erections in the night and morning.
Second, after 2 weeks I heard, “either your penis is getting bigger or my vagina is getting smaller.”
Third, my penis wasn’t turtling and it was hanging like they say “a bog swinging dick” and I liked walking around naked.
Fourth, I measured after 5 weeks and gained close to 1/2”.

But still it took so long for me to visually see an erect gain because I’m gaining girth too and as others have said, its hard to see that your penis is big—others can see it, but it still looks average to me.

Started 6.4" in the tube 2/18. Now 8" 6/10/19 in tube. 6/10/19 BPEL 7.7", BPFSL 8". Began extender 9/4/18, followed by pumping. Short term goal 8" in the tube.Long term goal. 8" x 6" outside of tube. Penimaster rods 11/6/18: UP: 2x.5cm, 2x2cm, 2x4cm, 2x8cm,2x6cm

When I measured it with a ruler.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Actually feeling something at the end of her canal, followed by “ouch that’s deep”

I’ve seen a few of these threads around. Comes up every so often.

That’s the goal for me. I want to be TOO MUCH for a woman. Just being able to get all the way up inside her if I want to.

Time to answer my own question

So the first thing I noticed was after about 3 weeks or so of pe my Flaccid change immensely going from a 1 inch acorn into about 4-5 inch Flaccid hang with decent girth.

Flash forward to now
I’m a little over a month in now and it’s my rest day, and on my rest day my erection can be so strong it wakes me, which it did today

So I measured it after urinating…
I was 7.75 in BPEL from the side standing… I had to rub my eyes and re-measure… I couldn’t believe it.

I read in another person’s progress thread that the correct way to measure was on top while standing…. So all my measurements do far have been inflated by about a quarter inch due to side measuring.

Which would mean that my starting BPEL would have been 7in on top.

I was 7.5 BPEL measured ON TOP this morning!

Ummm this pe stuff works?!
Im just blown away…
That means I’m about 5 or six weeks I have gained 0.5in of both girth and BPEL
Now I’m pretty sure some of that came from weight loss and gaining eq… But still wow

Start: 7" BPEL top measure , 5" MEG, Flaccid:1"

Now: 7.5" BPEL top, 5.5" MEG, Flaccid:5"

Goal: 8" BPEL top, 6" MEG, Flaccid: 6"

I first noticed with my 1 month measure. I’ve noticed with every other aspect, larger flaccid, wife’s reactions, after a pump session, etc. The only time I can’t see it is visual erection. To me, from my angle, it still looks the same as before.

First sort of hint I noticed was that my unit seemed more veiny, like it had been pumping weight.. And also an increase in average flaccid size.

I first observed success about four weeks into consistent PE by measuring. This was preceded by about a year of on & off attempts when no observable progress seemed to be occurring although I now firmly believe the groundwork was being laid for future growth.

Two years in with plenty of time off (I embrace a version of IPR), my ruler and tape tell the tale that statistically significant growth has happened and because I’m precise & obsessive about things, I’ve no intellectual doubt about it. There’s also the very occasional indication from the wife (during sex - never words but more intense groans or increased breathing) but without any pictures to compare, my brain has acclimated to what currently is and still advises me that my cock remains well below average as it has been all my life (thank you fucking, body dysmorphic-inducing porn).

I used to do the toilet roll test when I was the lucky person to reach the end of a roll and can clearly remember my cock not making it to the end of the tube fully hard (regular reminders I did not measure up since that’s what the toilet roll test evaluates). Now, with my head and some shaft sticking out the end of the roll, I am amazed since my unit has to have grown, yet the minute I remove said roll, my dick looks exactly the same as it ever did and I immediately Google ‘toilet rolls’ to see if the industry had shortened them when no one was watching. Maybe the reality registers someday. I hope so.


Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Last edited by QL : 01-14-2019 at .

I first started noticing changes when I put my routine into practise ,instead of imagining my routine everyday(procrastinating) about it working I put in the effort.

First started when I decided to leave my dick alone after my routines ,withholding ejaculation for the weekends rest days and being consistent.

Around a week doing the same thing over and over I noticed my flaccid stayed full like it accepted its new form ,it was around this time I noticed my ball sack hanging slightly higher than normal ,remember some forum signature mentioning heat makes the difference between gaining and took a hot shower for the first time in 12 months ,been taking lukewarm showers which I justify in myself as necessary now ,was impressed by the way it felt like my genitals normalized to what they once was before starting my training.

Iv been single for almost a decade still a virgin 27 either I’m ugly or very annoying or both, or so severely boring or average at this point iv stopped asking myself, iv had all my relationships revolve only around oral ,which makes me insecure about my member.

My eureka moment happened when I stumbled upon this forum

Bpel start 14.25cm

My Straw


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