Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When is girth too big for anal sex?

My experience is that if the girl is really horny and into it and you know what you are doing the girth is not an issue. I am 8,5 × 6 and have had anal sex on regular basis with approximately 20 girlfriends during the years, newer any problems. If you try to force it or if she doesn’t really want it in her ass, just forget it. Good thing is that anal is not that rare anymore.

Originally Posted by twocranky
I understand some women don’t find anal pleasurable. I get it, and I respect that. But in sex, you can’t be selfish, you gotta do everything to please your partner in bed. I know I would, so I don’t see why women wouldn’t either.

Wow. Just wow. :bang:

Originally Posted by grx
This is too general a question and there is no “average” woman.

Let’s look at this logically. If a woman has never had anything up her ass before, 5” girth most likely will be rather painful. If you’ve never had anything up your ass, go buy a dildo with 5” girth and shove it up your own ass. How it feels for you is how it feels for her. Anal veterans are able to take dildos up their ass as big as 9” girth. They do this by starting small and slowly working their way up in size.

If you are in a long term relationship and want anal to be enjoyable for both of you, it is always best to start very small and work up in size. Start with your smallest finger. Be well lubed and very gentle. Make sure your nails are clipped well. Once that size is easily accommodated, move up to thicker fingers, then two fingers, then three fingers and then maybe your dick.

Nothing will turn a lady away from anal faster than trying to shove something too large up there before she is ready for that size.

Good luck!

This thread got grx‘d. Great post sir!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by grx

…. want anal to be enjoyable for both of you, it is always best to start very small and work up in size. Start with your smallest finger. Be well lubed and very gentle. Make sure your nails are clipped well. Once that size is easily accommodated, move up to thicker fingers, then two fingers, then three fingers and then maybe your dick.

THIS ^^^ and; slow, lube, patience, lube, start out small and more lube! A well worked ass will accommodate even the girthiest of dicks.

Cheers, my starting stats 17-02-2016

BPFL=5.0" (12.7cm) BPEL=7.0" (17.78cm) EG=TBA

FG=4.0" (10.16cm) EG= 4.5" (11.4cm)

Originally Posted by straal1969
THIS ^^^ and; slow, lube, patience, lube, start out small and more lube! A well worked ass will accommodate even the girthiest of dicks.

It’s not just the ass, we gotta think about how wide a girl’s mouth is too.

Previously banned as Rule360.

I’ve had no issues at all with quite a few women, the one I’m with now can’t wait to feel me in her arse and then push a 7.5 inch girth dildo in her pussy at the same time.
Just take your time, lube, more lube, and when you think there’s enough lube, use some more !

One memorable woman at a swinger party had her much older “Daddy” ask me to take her anally,
I went to get some lube, and he said no, I looked at her and she looked back and said
“C’mon, I’ve wanted it for hours”.. So I rammed it in as far as it would go, she came on the first thrust,
and kept coming non stop until I blew.

Horses for courses I guess.. ( Pun intended :) )

Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

I’m still waiting on this magical “way to make women love anal sex.” Hubs would be a very happy man lol.

Originally Posted by BlackRose
I’m still waiting on this magical “way to make women love anal sex.” Hubs would be a very happy man lol.

Yes. I’m awaiting as well.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

Originally Posted by BigBootyFan
Yes. I’m awaiting as well.

He’s now an ex member so there will be no response.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Ehhh I wouldn’t have believed it anyway lol

Originally Posted by BlackRose
Ehhh I wouldn’t have believed it anyway lol

Knowing him, it would not have been believable.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by Titleist
He’s now an ex member so there will be no response.

Yes, I was waiting for him to tell me that “time does not exist”. I suspected Rule was back in the house.

There’s a mental and physical aspect. Some women will just not be open to it mentally, and will automatically not enjoy it. Partly due to their attitude, and also how it would contribute to their physical response - they would likely remain rather tense. Conversely, if a woman is open and willing it will surely aid the experience as their body will be too. Relaxation is important to let the ass open up. In a similar vein, that’s why warming up, taking it slow, and enjoying it are important.

Strictly physically, an inexperienced ass is going to be tight. With patience and experience it’s going to be able to expand more naturally and readily. They also have kits with different gauges of butt plugs that can be worn to slowly stretch the ass over time. Just like with stretching ears, etc.

My pre-PE girth has always been around ~5 inches and my ex loved it. The last girl I was with was a virgin when I met her, so naturally she struggled a lot more with both holes.

You can see my stats, been with the same girl for over 6 years. She let me put it in her butt one time when she was 19, and never again because she said it hurt too much. We took it slow and used lube.

Start 9/25/19 - 6 3/4" BPEL -> 11/20/19 - 7" BPEL -> 9/1/20 - 7 1/4" BPEL -> trying to hit anything over 8" BPEL (only updating every 1/4" it's slow but it's working)

- You only have one dick. Don't break it.

- Give her an orgasm before you stick your prick in her.

I would be more interested in knowing at what girth a woman will not be able to grip mi dick.

To make it clearer at what girth she wont be able to make a OK would love to see a women grab mi D and her fingers not closing. :P


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