Thunder's Place

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Where are all the 5 INCHERS SPEAK UP

That is a great story mackeral. Congratulations on your success! 1.75 inch length gain and 1 inch in girth, is really good for your first year. Many others have described doing too much and then getting gains when switching to an easier routine. Unfortunately I have been stuck for a long time, trying just about everything, but have not given up yet!

Horny Bastard

I dislike being around 5

Welcome to Thunders takizawa, and read #19 in this thread, you don’t have to dislike being 5 for much longer dude :) Happy PE’ing


Hi guys, thanks for the help. However, when I open the link I get the following text;
Johnnywong, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

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BTW, I am also of chinese descent. I guess my choice of name might’ve implied that.

Originally Posted by beginner931
I am really knew at this. I started PE maybe last week. One thing that really makes me feel sad is, when I read these forums and all the advice that is on this great site, I get disappointed because most of the stats I read on the size of the guys members is alot bigger than mine. Heck! It’s alot bigger than the average guy, If I were to go buy the 2 threads about average penis size on this site. Don’t get me Wrong I’m so happy I found this site. It gives me hope. But most of the stats I read are like this..

Start 6.5 length
5 girth
Or start 7.23 length
5.15 girth

I could go on and on.. But my question is this: If the average guy is 5.5 length. Or 5.08 as one thread says here, then where are they on here?? Where are some testimonials?? Where are the guys who have gained and inch or 2 but were average or smaller than normal to begin with? Have any average guys reached the 8 inch length mark or 6 inch girth? WHERE ARE ALL THE 5 INCHERS??

I’m gonna be straight forward. I’m a small guy down there. I’m alittle over 5 inches in length and about 4 3/4 girth but not too sure how to measure that. I need to see some testimonials. I would love to have the size of some of your starting stats.
So for those who want to help me out maybe give us small guys some hope.. Please tell me some success stories.

Oh and for anyone who is willing to help me out.. What is the difference in Jelqing and stretching and which is more helpful? Honestly I would rather gain an inch or 2 down there then work on my girth after. Please give some advice for the Newbie.

Oh I’m a Christian and will be getting married probably in about 2 years.. Maybe less.. But me and my girlfriend want to save sex for marriage.. Which will give me a while to “make it bigger” for her. She’s so worth it. Please any advice or help will be really appreciated.

Hey begginer: I just wanna say good job with this post - takes guts sometimes admitting your size - (I’m in the same region as you actually, slightly less and only just starting - dreaming of 6.5 >: ( >: ( but that alone will be nearly a 2” gain for me)

Good luck - keep at it, no matter what - sooner or later we have to see results.

Originally Posted by Iconically
Lots of people make gains, and two years should be enough time for you to make a difference.

Yguy was the most inspirational gainer I’ve come across.

YGuy Progress Report(Copied from PE Forums)

One point, if you want to make serious gains you have to become obsessed about getting a big dick. Start off with the newbie routine and if you have any questions ask in the newbie forum.

Are Yguy’s stats real? I mean that’s just mind blowing.

Originally Posted by takizawa
I dislike being around 5

Don’t we all dude!

but I’m 5’8 and around 190 pounds (but I hold the weight well)
Still I’m packing a monstorous 12.5cm dick (4.75 inches) (NBP) it’s crappy.

Stick with it - everyone, it’s gotta be worth it.

I started about 3 years ago, the first 2 yaers i didn’t seriously PE, than I found Thunders and really got into PEing. I started at 5.5” BPEL and about 4.5” EG. But after the on and off years and the past year of serious PE work I am know at 7.75” BPEL and 5.25” girth (I find girth very hard to gain).

I believe that every one can gain…you just need to find the routine that works for you.

I made nearly all my gains from dry jelqing.

I was at 5.5X4.5 when I started as well. I’ve gained over an inch in length and over half an inch in girth. Condoms used to fall off, but now are very snug. I’ve been PEing for just over a month. I’m now at 6.625 BPEL. It’s nice finally being above average. Just get on board. Work your way up slowly to the newbie routine and you’ll see gains, and a stronger penis.

Originally Posted by johnnywong
Hi guys, thanks for the help. However, when I open the link I get the following text;
Johnnywong, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else’s post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
If you are new you may not have permission to start a thread in this forum.
If you have never posted, your account may have been refused at the application stage.

BTW, I am also of chinese descent. I guess my choice of name might’ve implied that.

Hey johnny,

Try refreshing after you get the “no permission” page. Also, make sure that the forum software can set cookies on your machine.

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This is a great thread for beginners like me. I have read the average stats for a couple of years now but simply can not shake this insecurity. I am not a big guy at 5’-9” tall and 165 pounds. I know that I am solidly average in just about every capacity. It is depressing, really.

What is so great about this thread? This is reality, guys. We all start somewhere, and for the vast majority of us, that “somewhere” is usually NOT a position of great pride. I may have begun with dimensions slightly larger than some, but I am significantly smaller than many, many more.

Again, the truth is what motivated most of us to make changes. I plan to stick with PE until my wife tells me to stop. I am learning so much in this forum that applies to the mechanics of sex. I consider Thunders place a REALLY valuable resource!

Actually, I think I am becoming addicted to the forum! I can not get any work done, because I just keep logging in and reading, reading, reading.

We will all start somewhere. The journey we make is an investment in ourselves. When small guys like me eventually achieve our goals, we will have even more to be proud of!

"Debate the idea..."

I am at 5 an a little over a half in length and like 4 1/4 in girth. I hate it. But.. I am going to change it.. I have to for my self . I am 5’5 and 197 I work out three to four times a week. I am getting my body in shape, now I need to get my Johnson there to. I think this is just a mental thing. Just do your PE like it was your job and keep your spirits up. I am hope full to be 6 1/2 by 6 one day.. But those to me are just small goals. I have a mentality in the gym .”GO BIG OR DON”T GO AT ALL”. I have put this towards my PEing. I probably do more than what I should but I know my body ,and I think I can do more than what some others can even though I am a newbie. The point is , follow your mind and your body,listen to what every one has to say and don’t quit. Because if you quit you only have yourself to blame for a small pipe.

I,ve just started the Newbee Routine 3 days now. Thanks guys for giving me hope


This is an old thread but I never read it before.

It really rekindled the fire under my ass.

I was really getting burnt out on this.(plus my plateau isnt helping)

But I feel a bit more ambitious again.

Good job Outlaw finding this one and re-threading it.

I’m slightly above 5 inches and I look even smaller standing lol.I’m 6’1 and about 5.8”BP used to be 5.5”BP and this is in the course of almost 3months there is definitely something to this PE stuff.

Started - 5.75BPEL, WAS - 6.75BPEL

Currently - 6.00BPEL 9 months now...


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