Thunder's Place

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Which ADS have people had best success with? Personal experiences with ADS?

Which ADS have people had best success with? Personal experiences with ADS?

Hey I have been on the newbie routine for 3 months and haven’t seen any gains, I’m not too discouraged or close to giving up, but I have decided to invest in an ADS by the end of the month. I was wondering which ADS you guys would recommend. I have heard the Penismaster and the Vac ADS are good, has anyone tried these? If so what kind of gains did you see, and for how many hours a day and for what duration of months did you wear the ADS. I saw someone had some ridiculous gains with the Penismaster, but I’m not sure if it’s someone from their organization trying to hype it up, so I ask you guys what gains did you see with each device, or do you know of others who have seen good gains and with which one?

Do you know of any other ADS’s that are very good that you would recommend over these 2? Whats a captain wench, someone had recommended this in another thread.

Also how stealthy is each one, and how comfortable. Could I get away with both in baggy jeans? And how comfortable, it is my understanding that an ADS should be comfortable unlike an extender, but I read that the Penis Master needs to be adjusted at times because pain occurs, so wouldn’t that make this an extender?

Any answers are greatly appreciated, I will continue the newbie routine, but I really want some advice so that I can buy the best lengthening product possible.


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