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ADS Experiences

ADS Experiences

Just bought the gear for an ADS and was wondering if anyone has any comments on their effectiveness. I’ve combed the past posts which have mentioned the topic, but there’s not much there. I’m not a hanger, but I figure it would be worth a try as I’ve run up against a wall as far as gains are concerned. Thx. Rope

Have you checked the JES-extender thread in the Review forum? Got 2 good results posted there and one of them didn´t even use it as a All Day stretcher either.

I have a JES myself but can´t wear it comfortably, probably have to make some wrapping, like Along described in that thread, and attach to that. But then 700-800 bucks is a lot of money to spend on something I can´t use out of the box… Looking into other means now.

Hey, anyone wanna buy a JES-Extender? ;)

Good luck!


Hey Rocco, There’s a post somewhere, can’t find it now but it was started by swiss tallman I believe, it’s on the extenders max-xtender/ JES, he said he got pretty good results from wearing a stretcher device, also talks about comfort.

Here is the link.jes extender - results so far

I think you talked about this thread in your previous post.



That´s right mate, that´s the one I refered to, thanks for posting the link too.

Yeah, they had great results but swisstallman must be a great responder because I have worn mine for several hours a day for a month and it haven´t really done anything. But it´s so uncomfortable for me that I couldn´t wear it more than 1 hour at the time and then reattacht it after a while so I got tired after a month of it. I think it depends on how your dick looks too, if you are cut and have a good ridge it´s probably really good. But for a uncut guy like me with not much of a ridge when flaccid I just have to put it so tight that the blood gets cut off :-/

Thanks for the heads up. I’ve the ADS going so we will seek if it causes the same problems the JES does. I figure it can’t hurt and will provide an added slow, gentle streach which may loosen thngs up. If it works, I’ll let yall know.

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