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Which method gives you the fastest gains Jelqing Hanging Penimaster

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Which method produces the fastest gains?





Penimaster and similar devices



Total Votes: 65. You may not vote on this poll

Originally Posted by stanby
Hi Slack
I think we`ll probably end up agreeing to differ on this.
The traction devices aren`t just “stretchers”; sustained moderate traction encourages cellular growth and that effect is achieved up to around 6hrs but you must have rest/downtime as well; it’s not more time equals better, it needs to be cycled and 12hrs continuous use would be counterproductive. (Same principal used to get tissue for pedicle grafting).

You’re right, I do disagree.

More time is better, thats pretty much a fact.

1-4 hours a day traction vs 8-12 hours a day, 8-12 hours would be better.

The rest time is when you are asleep, I never said you didnt need rest time.

From personal experience -
I get good gains wearing PE weights upto 15 hours a day, over a 2 week period, the times I only managed 3-4 hours a day, no gains.

I actually use a combination of methods; Penimaster, stretch&jelq and pump and think all have good and less good points.
Re time, starting at 6.25” (at age 49) and now pushing 8.75”, 3.5 yrs seems pretty good progress from what is reported on here; I`m pleased with it anyway and also with the Penimaster which I still strongly recommend.
Probably we all have our opinion of whats best and that’s why the sharing on here makes it such a good site.

Congrats on the 2.5” gain :up:

I never said I dont like the Penimaster, but there are better options. Heck, I HAVE a Penimaster, and yes its a solid product, but could be much better.

Opinions are good.:)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Originally Posted by Proav8or
Yea, And steroids also work on your ligaments and tendons by toughening them up. Anybody hanging wants to relax ligs for length. Igf-1 may be the answer here, injectable of course.

Sorry and not all steroids toughen up ligaments. Eg EQ will increase your collagen rates by upto like 320%. HGH causes increase of like 240% or so and igf is similar.


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