Thunder's Place

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Which method gives you the fastest gains Jelqing Hanging Penimaster

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Which method produces the fastest gains?





Penimaster and similar devices



Total Votes: 65. You may not vote on this poll

Which method gives you the fastest gains Jelqing Hanging Penimaster

This should be pretty simple to answer.

Which method gives it practitioner the best and fastest results?

Jelqing? (Personally too much work)

Hanging? (Interesting)

Penimaster or other similar devices ? (Pretty easy)

So give ahead and vote and explain away.

Thanks yall!


  • Most hangers jelq too, at least if they’ve read the plaque threads they do.
  • Most penimaster users jelq and/or hang too.
  • Jelqing needs to be part of a routine to gain maximum advantage.
  • Hanging is a bad idea for newbies
  • Penimasters and other ADS devices are not easy. They need many hours of wearing. Again best avoided, at least initially.
  • “Too much work” means you may not have what it takes to do this, give up now or commit to lots of work

Welcome to the forum.

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan

…fastest results?

No such thing in PE. It takes time. Otherwise you could injure yourself and have erection problems, smaller size, or worse. You must be committed to a minimum of three months solid work (3 to 5 days per week for at least an hour). That will test your body’s response to the exercises. In three months some guys can gain an inch. Others gain nothing. It cannot be predicted how your penis will respond although most will see gains of some kind in that period. Welcome!

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan
This should be pretty simple to answer.

Which method gives it practitioner the best and fastest results?

Jelqing? (Personally too much work)

Hanging? (Interesting)

Penimaster or other similar devices ? (Pretty easy)

So give ahead and vote and explain away.

Thanks yall!

No such thing as “fast results”, its down to genetics.

Do the newbie routine for 3+ months before thinking about Hanging.

Penimaster (ADS) would require 12 hours wear time a day for best results, near impossible with the Penimaster.

Jelqing, its in the newbie routine, do that.

If jelqing is “too much work”, then you obviously dont want a bigger penis, otherwise, you’d do it without question.

This is a long term project, if you’re not prepared to commit, you may as well quit now.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

I agree with all the above with one exception; the Penimaster does not need 12 hrs a day (?)

I`ve used mine consistently for 3.5 yrs and average 2/3 hrs per evening (manufacturers recommend a maximum of 4hrs) and am pleased with the results.

That level of moderate sustained traction achieves far more than manual stretching alone ever could (different physiology)

It’s a good product; why do people on here rubbish it?

Thnx all for the welcome. Youd notice that I’ve been registered for a while but just been lurking :)

I had read a paper on traction devices etc and in one of them it had noted that a beginner to PE wearing the device for about 4 hours every day would grow upto 1” in the first month in length and upto 0.5” in girth.

Now I’ve got one of these devices and yes I think it’s uncomfortable but If I wore the device each night religiously for 4 hrs + arginine ( I exercise in the gym and this stuff increases blood flow like nothing else) + steroids I should be able to grow atleast 1” in the first month.

Arginine alone increases your size due to the increased blood flow.

Steroids help your body recuperate very quickly.

Combined that should be potent stuff.

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan
Thnx all for the welcome. Youd notice that I’ve been registered for a while but just been lurking :)

I had read a paper on traction devices etc and in one of them it had noted that a beginner to PE wearing the device for about 4 hours every day would grow upto 1” in the first month in length and upto 0.5” in girth.

Now I’ve got one of these devices and yes I think it’s uncomfortable but If I wore the device each night religiously for 4 hrs + arginine ( I exercise in the gym and this stuff increases blood flow like nothing else) + steroids I should be able to grow atleast 1” in the first month.

Arginine alone increases your size due to the increased blood flow.

Steroids help your body recuperate very quickly.

Combined that should be potent stuff.

Are you sure about the steroids?
There are many threads about steroids and PE.
Here is one I started. As you can see here, many members disagree with you.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by stanby
I agree with all the above with one exception; the Penimaster does not need 12 hrs a day (?)
I`ve used mine consistently for 3.5 yrs and average 2/3 hrs per evening (manufacturers recommend a maximum of 4hrs) and am pleased with the results.
That level of moderate sustained traction achieves far more than manual stretching alone ever could (different physiology)
It’s a good product; why do people on here rubbish it?

The principle of the Penimaster, like any traction device is TIME.

The more time you wear it, the better.

The thread starter wants to know the FASTEST route to gains, therefore he would need to wear it 12 hours a day.

I dont think he would consider “2/3 hours a day for 3.5 years” as “fast”.

As for why people rubbish it, they dont, not really, its just there are much better options available.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan

Now I’ve got one of these devices and yes I think it’s uncomfortable but If I wore the device each night religiously for 4 hrs + arginine ( I exercise in the gym and this stuff increases blood flow like nothing else) + steroids I should be able to grow atleast 1” in the first month.

Wearing these devices at night (I assume you mean while sleeping) is not recommended. Nocturnal erections can cause the gripping part of it to become too tight and cause circulation problems. If you decide to wear one you should only wear it while awake.

Arginine alone increases your size due to the increased blood flow.

Wrong. The amount of increase in blood flow this supplement may cause is minimal and an increase in blood flow will not make your dick larger. This is hype from the penis pill makers. To prove this you should do no PE and not wear an all day stretch device and start taking l-arginine (or more if you already take it) and see how much of an increase in penis size shows up after three or four months. My money is on: zero.

Steroids help your body recuperate very quickly.

You’re confusing corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. See this .


I meant night time as opposed to day time. Not while I’m a sleep.

Bud I’m taking arginine and I’m telling ya it makes a difference. I’m taking a product called Nitrix by BSN and I can honestly tell ya it makes a difference. Hence why I think that youd recover and grow quicker too whilst exercising under it.

In regards to steroids. I know what I’m talking about and I also know about corticosteroids. The single most important feature of anabolic steroids is the fact that it allows your cells to heal quicker. Hence why a Natural BB can only workout that muscle 1-2 a week whilst the juicer can workout 6times a week. It just depends also on which you take. Eg you want better stronger joints/cartiledge take primo or eq. Want stregth take tren test etc
Id also say HGH would be good too or maybe even better.

Hi Slack

I think we`ll probably end up agreeing to differ on this.

The traction devices aren`t just “stretchers”; sustained moderate traction encourages cellular growth and that effect is achieved up to around 6hrs but you must have rest/downtime as well; it’s not more time equals better, it needs to be cycled and 12hrs continuous use would be counterproductive. (Same principal used to get tissue for pedicle grafting).

I actually use a combination of methods; Penimaster, stretch&jelq and pump and think all have good and less good points.

Re time, starting at 6.25” (at age 49) and now pushing 8.75”, 3.5 yrs seems pretty good progress from what is reported on here; I`m pleased with it anyway and also with the Penimaster which I still strongly recommend.

Probably we all have our opinion of whats best and that’s why the sharing on here makes it such a good site.

Best wishes


Steroids help your body recuperate very quickly.

You’re confusing corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. See this.

Anabolic Steroids do indeed facilitate muscle recuperation after exercise. How this could help with PE, I don’t know.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan

I meant night time as opposed to day time. Not while I’m a sleep.

Bud I’m taking arginine and I’m telling ya it makes a difference. I’m taking a product called Nitrix by BSN and I can honestly tell ya it makes a difference. Hence why I think that youd recover and grow quicker too whilst exercising under it.

In regards to steroids. I know what I’m talking about and I also know about corticosteroids. The single most important feature of anabolic steroids is the fact that it allows your cells to heal quicker. Hence why a Natural BB can only workout that muscle 1-2 a week whilst the juicer can workout 6times a week. It just depends also on which you take. Eg you want better stronger joints/cartiledge take primo or eq. Want stregth take tren test etc
Id also say HGH would be good too or maybe even better.

Yea, And steroids also work on your ligaments and tendons by toughening them up. Anybody hanging wants to relax ligs for length. Igf-1 may be the answer here, injectable of course.

Standby. Did you use the Penis Master at different angles during that period?

Did you regularly alternate angles down and up etc on the same day?

Originally Posted by Proav8or
Yea, And steroids also work on your ligaments and tendons by toughening them up. Anybody hanging wants to relax ligs for length. Igf-1 may be the answer here, injectable of course.

Id say HGH would be the better choice.

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