Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who here has actually made gains with no injuries?

Who here has actually made gains with no injuries?

It seems like nobody is making progress or suffering from erectile dysfunction/impotence. Are there actually any proven success stories on here?

As a lot of you guys know (and have been helping me out with) I have severely damaged one of my ligaments through jelqing. I guess Im just making this post because all I’ve got from PE is a weaker, off-angle erection and extra foreskin. Where are the success stories?


No pain,No gain. (Only a figure of speech)

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Still haven’t made that trip to the doctor, have you Rockstar?

Nope :(

Dude…Im just so scared. I know sitting here doing nothing about it isnt happening Im just finding it too hard to seek professional help.

I really want to continue jelqing but Im scared that even if they can fix my ligament problem Ill end up damaging it again or because my ligament will no longer be working properly i wont be able to englarge my penis…if that makes sense?

I’m new and can’t speak on injuries but I’m curious to know what happened to you or how just so I can make sure I take the utmost precautions with myself.

Originally Posted by Jett_J
I’m new and can’t speak on injuries but I’m curious to know what happened to you or how just so I can make sure I take the utmost precautions with myself.

Just read the manual bro and you’ll be okay

Nothing too heavy and you’ll be okay. Just make sure you stay awake while you’re doing it and pay attention to how hard you’re jelqing and the angle. Not too low (which I think I may have done)

Originally Posted by Rockstar69
Nope :(

Dude…Im just so scared. I know sitting here doing nothing about it isnt happening Im just finding it too hard to seek professional help.

I really want to continue jelqing but Im scared that even if they can fix my ligament problem Ill end up damaging it again or because my ligament will no longer be working properly i wont be able to englarge my penis…if that makes sense?

No, it doesn’t make sense. You need to get off your ass and get to a doctor. Tell him what you think is wrong and let him check you out. If something is wrong, he can fix it. If nothing is wrong, then you can work on fixing your other problem.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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No injuries here. I’ve gained atleast 1/4 length and 1/3 girth since christmas ‘08. Jelquing mainly. At first I was doing 300/day hard, and noticed decreased EQ, so I did it softer and my EQ went through the roof. I could pound nails with it. I’m 37 and morning wood came back. I now do about 150 to 250 depending on time and some days I do split routine. I do some stretching in the shower, maybe total of 4 minutes of under the leg each side. Back in 1995 when I heard of this I was wet jelquing and got a blood blister that I just popped with a sterile pin, waited for it to heal and started again. I stopped all PE for probably 5 years then did some pumping and gave up on that quick and just started again in Dec. ‘08. Some days it feels like no progress, then other days I look at it think YES!

Originally Posted by Rockstar69

Are there actually any proven success stories on here?

I am batting 1,000 as far as putting you on short term hold goes. ;)

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Rockstar69
Nope :(

Dude.I’m just so scared. I know sitting here doing nothing about it isnt happening I’m just finding it too hard to seek professional help.

I really want to continue jelqing but I’m scared that even if they can fix my ligament problem Ill end up damaging it again or because my ligament will no longer be working properly I won’t be able to englarge my penis.if that makes sense?

Yeah it makes total sense if you ask me. If your goal is to enlarge a penis that doesn’t function your right on the money.

How can enlarging your penis be a priority before having a functional penis dude?

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

I gained without injury for a year until recently. I started hanging and I guess I was putting to much time in with too much weight and caused an injury.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

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