Why do guys starting at 7 inches plus bother
Seriously.I’m 5.5 NBP and never had a any complaints and I’ve slept with an over-average amount of women. I’ve always been quite happy with being ‘average’ but I’ve recently heard that ‘average’ may be 6 inches plus so thats why I started PE.I would be quite happy quitting forever at 6 inches.
My question is to the guys who started off big, like 7inches or more.why would you bother with this? It takes a lot of time and dedication, and you already have awesome sized cocks!! The vast majority of women don’t like anything over 8 inches anyway.with most stating about 7 inches to be ideal. (I cba referencing this but I’m not making it up)
I’m not saying you shouldn’t or anything.it’s your choice, but I was just wondering what the reasons are.I mean I saw one user who was something like 7.5x5.5 and was on here to get to 7.5x6 and I couldn’t help thinking.don’t you have anything better to be doing.is the extra 1/2 of girth REALLY gonna make that much difference to your life?
Does anyone have any real reasons? Or is it just pure insecurity?