Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why do we have to be 18 to access to this site?

Originally Posted by hobby
Base, one of my buttons is the common misconception that people have no intrinsic rights, only whatever privileges are granted by their government. My post didn’t apply directly to the situation here, but it did address your response. I’m fond of this quote:

“There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.” — P.J. O’Rourke

Getting back more directly to the main topic, Jack makes a good point. So does Thunder. In an ideal world we could lower the age limit, maybe to 15 or 16, or allow minors to join with parental consent.

I couldn’t imagine asking a 15 or 16 year old to ask a parent for consent to get a bigger penis. Lol

>Hobby, lets take for example several of the actions referred to in this post already: membership at thunders, drinking alcohol, driving a car and shooting a pistol. Do all people, regardless of age, have the right permanently to engage in any of these whenever they want?

No. Children are under parental control, like it or not. At some point that control is relinquished. When this occurs should be left up to the child’s parents, not dictated by some nanny government acting in loco parentis.

>I would ask you, when you drive do you stop at stop signs? Do you follow the speed limit? If so howcome?

Because I don’t want tickets. If not for fear of being caught and mugged by gov tax collectors I would roll through stop signs and red lights when there’s no or little traffic, only slowing to make sure I could cross safely. Of course, I’d stop when necessary. ;) I would also drive at a speed I consider reasonable, not necessarily the number posted by the tax goons.

>I couldn’t imagine asking a 15 or 16 year old to ask a parent for consent to get a bigger penis.



Yes, this is what I thought you meant. Semantics. But this is very intresting. Don’t you feel that for you to have rights, there must be someone or something that grants them to you or limits them? Otherwise the concept doesn’t exist. If nothing limits rights, the definition of rights is useless and doesn’t really exist. There is no good without evil. No darkness without light. So who or what grants you these rights?

Originally Posted by hobby
Base, one of my buttons is the common misconception that people have no intrinsic rights, only whatever privileges are granted by their government. My post didn’t apply directly to the situation here, but it did address your response. I’m fond of this quote:

“There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.” — P.J. O’Rourke

Getting back more directly to the main topic, Jack makes a good point. So does Thunder. In an ideal world we could lower the age limit, maybe to 15 or 16, or allow minors to join with parental consent.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Originally Posted by hobby
Because I don’t want tickets. If not for fear of being caught and mugged by gov tax collectors I would roll through stop signs and red lights when there’s no or little traffic, only slowing to make sure I could cross safely. Of course, I’d stop when necessary. ;) I would also drive at a speed I consider reasonable, not necessarily the number posted by the tax goons.

I can see the chaos now. lol

Is that really ideal? I don’t think I would want 15 year olds on the forum. This site is for adults — adult ideas, adult topics, adult thoughts — and youngsters are not capable of properly discerning the content herein. We say a lot of things here that a boy can misconstrue. Besides, we’re all old and bitter, so let the kids enjoy their youth.

In an ideal world, you can start Jr. Thunder’s Place, or Thunder’s for Kids, or Thunder’s Playroom, or TeenThunder’s.

Then again, in a perfect world, everyone would have a penis and a vagina, and no need for money, we wouldn’t have to work to work. And most importantly, it wouldn’t take 86 years for the Red Sox to win a World Series.

I’m rambling now, so I’ll stop.

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For extra credit: Can anyone name at least one place in the United States that it is legal for 18 year olds to drink???

No guesses yet? I can hear the google search engines revving, however I think this one will not be easy to find by google.

Puerto Rico?

Oh, in churches. :)

Military bases.

seems to have decent info.

Actually Westla’s guess is correct, however, it is not all military bases. Inside the United states I was only stationed at one that I can remember the drinking age being 18. There may be more though.

Thunder, I read the link you posted. As stated above I was referring to the military base exception which he does not mention. I did not know there was a parental consent exception in some states. It is interesting to note that the state I was referring to is Arizona, which he lists in yellow in his map meaning no exceptions to the general rule of law.

I am not sure about the author’s analysis. He states:

“The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required all states to raise their minimum purchase and public possession of alcohol age to 21.”

“It does not prohibit persons under 21 (also called youth or minors) from drinking.”

I am not sure about this legally, and of course physically, how could one drink something, or eat something, without first being in possession of it?

Oopps, I may be incorrect. I decided to see how hard it would be to find the base I was referring to so I ran the google search myself and read a few links. One I read was a pdf memorandum issued by the base commander in Feb of 2002, stating that the legal drinking age was 21. I was there prior to this so it must have been changed after I passed through.

When I was there it made sense though, we were only a short distance from the border and everyone knows if you can see over the bar in Mexico you can drink. It was fun though seeing underage drinkers getting shitfaced right outside the barracks with drill sergeants not being able to do anything to them. :)

>I am not sure about this legally, and of course physically, how could one drink something, or eat something, without first being in possession of it?


The feds coerced the states into adopting a drinking age of 21. Of course, such tactics are not consistent with the way our form of government was intended to function. Hamilton fans may disagree with this statement, but Jeffersonians are nodding in agreement.

The 55 mph speed limit was forced on the states in the same manner, as well as the .08 BAC standard for DUI. The fed gov threatens witholding a cut of the stolen taxpayer booty if states refuse to pass laws complying with whatever terms the feds demand. States don’t have the balls to stand up to the feds and tell them to stick their funds where the sun doesn’t shine.

BTW, where is Sex&Guns? :)

18: Can legally fuck in my state

21: Legally drink alcohol

All ages: All drugs deemed evil by our rulers are illegal.

I don’t know about you, but these laws had practically no effect on me in my teens apart from providing the opportunity for some profits when I was the only 17 year old with a driver’s license that said I was 21.

I lost my virginity at 15 to a 16 year old girl. Our consensual sex was actually a crime according to the words written in Big Bro’s law books. Oh well. I don’t recall inviting him into my bedroom.

I’ve never cared much for drugs, but they were readily available and widely used by my peers. In high school most everything was available: pot, notpepsi, meth, acid, dust, ‘shrooms, heroin, all kinds of pills, etc.

Ironically, at that age alcohol was more difficult to obtain than drugs. Why? Probably because booze isn’t an illegal product for adults and couldn’t sustain a “gray market” catering only to under-21. The fully illegal “black market” is truly free, totally unregulated, and open to everyone regardless of age who has the cash.

Laws often don’t have the effects intended by the law-makers dictating them.

Yes, that’s right, we have to wait until 21 to drink. That’s why I usually go to Mexico beaches to equilibrate the situation.

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)


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