Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why do we have to be 18 to access to this site?

On another note I notice a funny thing about jack1324. Welcome back when you turn 18. :)

Human rights are very frequently based on any given group’s capabilities. Does a 19 year old have the right to drink? No, time and experience has shown that as a whole group, underage people lack they capability to use good judgement while drinking. Are citizens who are under 18 allowed to vote? No. Same thing again - The group as a whole lacks the maturity and capabilty to use proper judgement in rendering a valid opinion while voting.

Are there special cases or exclusions to this rule? Yes, most definately. Some of today’s youths are very advanced for their age. A good portion of them are not. At 18 or 21, it has been decided that the group as a whole has shown that they have gotten to the point where they possess the proper maturity and at this point have achieved these rights. Good for them.

I totally agree with those who feel that minors have no place in this forum. Yes there may be the odd case where there is a youth who is mentally mature enough to understand and able to benefit from these topics but on the whole, I feel that these underage youths would probably find this site a source of titilation and would stand a much better chance of harming themselves with the proceedures described herein.

The moderators of this site are not able to decipher which underage youths are mature enough to benefit from this site and those who are not. I also feel that anyone who is a proponent of allowing minors to enter this site does not have the minor’s welfare and wellbeing in mind. A youth’s penis is technically still cosidered to be growing as far as his late teens and in some men as far as into their 20’s. Who is to say he’s not in for a huge growth spurt next summer? As far as parental consent - that can be forged. Also, How is a parent an expert on their son’s need for a longer penis at age 16??? If the parent was doing his or her duty, they would take their child (and that’s what they are) to a qualified physician to have any shortcommings checked out. I can’t imagine any good doctor advising a parent of an underage youth to attach devices to his penis to stretch it. He knows if something were to go wrong, he’d be in for the lawsuit of his life.

“Rights are not given, granted, nor subject to any government’s whims. They exist permanently and in perpetuity for all individuals. Those in charge at any given time may not recognize them, but the failure of the king to recognize one’s rights doesn’t negate their existence.”

Sorry, but I have to disagree there - Rights ARE granted to people when they demonstrate the capability and rationality to have that specific right.
(IE - Underage citizens do not possess the right to drink, vote, marry, etc. when they turn a proper age that has been agreed upon by popular concensus, then they are assumed to have the proper capabilties and rationale to bear the responsibilties these rights require).

Don’t be so quick to judge the ineligibilty of a right to be a bad thing. Convicted child molesters do not have the right to run child day care centers …do they?

Was basically speaking about legal rights and not human rights. I believe that all people should have all human rights that are afforded to everyone else. Legal rights are something quite different. -:) Thanks for the good passage on human rights - very eye opening. - Man this place has some great posts and lots of varied opinions.

At 18 or 21, it has been decided that the group as a whole has shown that they have gotten to the point where they possess the proper maturity and at this point have achieved these rights.

I have to disagree with the proper maturity part, there is no discretion in these age specific laws. You are either of age or not of age. Over 21 = can legally drink but there is no test for any sort of maturity. I certainly wish there was a test or some sort of educational class like drivers ed but for drinking. I learned how to drink in the school of hard knocks which meant finishing the night passed out or puking.

I also feel that anyone who is a proponent of allowing minors to enter this site does not have the minor’s welfare and wellbeing in mind.

I don’t think you have to worry about that, the only person in the whole thread who really intimated anything such as that was a minor himself and is, not so ironically, no longer a member.

Rights ARE granted to people when they demonstrate the capability and rationality to have that specific right.

/Disagree - the only capability I can remember ever having demonstrated was driving, all other age based rights simply came into existence on my respective birthday.

(IE - Underage citizens do not possess the right to drink, vote, marry, etc. when they turn a proper age that has been agreed upon by popular concensus, then they are assumed to have the proper capabilties and rationale to bear the responsibilties these rights require).

/Agree - only because of your choice of the word assumed.


Isn’t this ridiculous? Your typical 18 year old could shoot the hell out of a person with a shotgun in a moment of rage or excitement. Ever tried hitting a target with a handgun in a pickle? It ain’t easy. It seems as if safety were a concern, the shotgun would be the one on hold until 21.

Maybe it has something to do with the handgun being more fashionable and popular amongst our younger gun-toting fellows. I dunno.

Kog-ever tried stuffing a shotgun in your pants pocket or waistband or boot or under the car seat? I think the primary difference between the way shotguns are treated and handguns is conceal-ability. Not to mention shotguns are used for sport and hunting more often than a pistol is.

uh, ok - I think we are generally in agreement here. Please let me clarify any unclear words - I was stating that at age 18 (or 21 as the case may be) The legal system has agreed that the GROUP (ie - the entire age group of 18 or 21 year olds) has, in general, come to an age where they are responsible adults and that they are are able to accept the responsibilty. I inferred no discretion in the laws whatsoever. Has it not been decided by the legal system that at 18 or 21 that the group as a whole reached the proper maturity to handle adult responsibilties?

As far as disagreeing with me on demonstrating capabilty, again, I was speaking about the entire age group of 18 and/or 21 year olds. By simply reaching 18 or 21 the legal system again has decided that this group is capable of handling rights afforded to other adults. By years of observance by the powers that be, the GROUP as a whole has shown (demonstrated) their trustworthiness and capability to be classified as adults. Remember back when it was legal to drink at 18? Well, over the course of time, this age group demonstrated the lack of capability to handle the responsibility of drinking so the age limit was raised to 21.

As far as you agreeing with me only because of my choice of the word “assumed” - Man, I wonder what other word might have really been a poor choice?

Please forgive my lack of elequence. I had no idea I was going to have to be so literal in this informal forum. Sometimes people are just plain folk. They shouldn’t be shamed for not being scholars.

Just to get this out of the way, I’d never tell anyone what rules to make for their forum. If the minimum age for this forum was 50, so be it. If the maximum age was 40, I’d probably be pissed, but I’d accept it.

I agree that a PE site isn’t good for minors. I’m sure a lot of boys would find all this fascinating, in the same way you see 12 year olds at the gym trying to be bodybuilders.

Still, sometimes I wonder about the restrictions on all sites with “adult” content. I see way too many young girls around my town pushing strollers or going to the abortion clinic. They may not be able to read or look at “adult” content, but it sure seems like a lot of them are doing “adult” stuff.

I have no clue what it all means.

On the drinking thing, when I was in college, the legal age in that state for everything was 18. In my home state, it was 21. While travelling to and from college, I passed through a state where the drinking age was 18 for beer and wine, but 21 for the hard stuff. I usually took a train to travel, and it runs in my mind that eighteen was the legal age nationwide — I know I got carded and served on Amtrak at 18.

When I was in high school, a 17 year old friend of mine’s parents bought him a case of beer a week. Their theory was that if he learned to drink in moderation at home, he wouldn’t develop alcohol problems later. So far as I know, he didn’t develop a problem, but that’s not saying his parents theory had anything to do with it. (I’ve heard that in European countries where wine is routinely consumed with dinner by young people, the rate of alcoholism is low, but I don’t know that for a fact.)

As for me, I had access to all the alcohol I wanted from the time I was a baby — we owned a bar and I could sneak downstairs and take a few and no one would have noticed. I didn’t. In fact, outside of a few beers and the bottle of Johnny Black I got every Christmas that lasted the entire year, I didn’t really do any serious drinking until my 21st birthday. I got super-drunk and stayed that way until I was 27. But that’s another story altogether.

Fredo, I too think we are basically in agreement. As far as the “assumed” issue, I think that is what we (as society) do is assume that people of a certain age are, as you say, capable of handling the responsibility of whatever right is being conferred on them.

If I came across as a bit brash then let me apologize. I didn’t meant to come across as a nit picky prude.

Originally Posted by hobby
Base, one of my buttons is the common misconception that people have no intrinsic rights, only whatever privileges are granted by their government. My post didn’t apply directly to the situation here, but it did address your response. I’m fond of this quote:

“There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.” — P.J. O’Rourke

Getting back more directly to the main topic, Jack makes a good point. So does Thunder. In an ideal world we could lower the age limit, maybe to 15 or 16, or allow minors to join with parental consent.

Originally Posted by jack1324
I couldn’t imagine asking a 15 or 16 year old to ask a parent for consent to get a bigger penis. Lol

As long as we’re living in an ideal world, why would there be any modesty or secrets? Then again, in an ideal world there wouldn’t be “age limits”, people would just have good judgement and use it. *Stops himself from ranting for an hour about government in an ideal world*

Originally Posted by nemesis
I am not sure about the author’s analysis. He states:

“The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required all states to raise their minimum purchase and public possession of alcohol age to 21.”

“It does not prohibit persons under 21 (also called youth or minors) from drinking.”

I am not sure about this legally, and of course physically, how could one drink something, or eat something, without first being in possession of it?

Though I didn’t actually read the site you’re talking about, the key word in there is “public”. If you’re in your own home it is private, not public, possession. Keep in mind that I don’t have a law degree or anything so I really don’t know what I’m talking about, but to add on to this I once knew someone that had a hometown that allowed any drinking as long as it was supervised. I can’t remember what state he grew up in now, though.

Originally Posted by fredro
Human rights are very frequently based on any given group’s capabilities. Does a 19 year old have the right to drink? No, time and experience has shown that as a whole group, underage people lack they capability to use good judgement while drinking. Are citizens who are under 18 allowed to vote? No. Same thing again - The group as a whole lacks the maturity and capabilty to use proper judgement in rendering a valid opinion while voting.

Are there special cases or exclusions to this rule? Yes, most definately. Some of today’s youths are very advanced for their age. A good portion of them are not. At 18 or 21, it has been decided that the group as a whole has shown that they have gotten to the point where they possess the proper maturity and at this point have achieved these rights. Good for them.

Also, I must add on that some places have begun to act on these exclusions to the rule. I’m not sure about the current status on this, but one day I read in the news that California is going to start giving children voting rights for local matters. If I remember correctly, their votes would only count for 1/4-1/2 depending on their age, but I think that this idea has some merit, despite the potential of uninformed voters. All of this in addition to many places in Europe having less strict laws with as high a level of success as America.

Originally Posted by fredro
I totally agree with those who feel that minors have no place in this forum. Yes there may be the odd case where there is a youth who is mentally mature enough to understand and able to benefit from these topics but on the whole, I feel that these underage youths would probably find this site a source of titilation and would stand a much better chance of harming themselves with the proceedures described herein.

The moderators of this site are not able to decipher which underage youths are mature enough to benefit from this site and those who are not. I also feel that anyone who is a proponent of allowing minors to enter this site does not have the minor’s welfare and wellbeing in mind. A youth’s penis is technically still cosidered to be growing as far as his late teens and in some men as far as into their 20’s. Who is to say he’s not in for a huge growth spurt next summer? As far as parental consent - that can be forged. Also, How is a parent an expert on their son’s need for a longer penis at age 16??? If the parent was doing his or her duty, they would take their child (and that’s what they are) to a qualified physician to have any shortcommings checked out. I can’t imagine any good doctor advising a parent of an underage youth to attach devices to his penis to stretch it. He knows if something were to go wrong, he’d be in for the lawsuit of his life.

I agree also, and I again won’t get back into an idealistic world where the mods know how mature someone is and the judges in a legal system would inherently know who’s guilty and who’s the victim.

To add on about “He knows if something were to go wrong, he’d be in for the lawsuit of his life”, when votes were being cast on the measure limiting the amount of money you can get for non-economic medical lawsuits, my friend voted against the cap because of a story he read; what he read was about a man who got his penis amputated because of a suspected cancer. The doctors didn’t do any tests before the amputation, and afterwords it was found out that there was actually no cancer.

Also (Sorry about the double post), though I agree with the general point that parents are generally not qualified to reccomend that their children go to Thunders, I don’t agree with your point about parental consent being able to be forged. Everything can be forged, to an extent. In gladiator colleseums they forced people to fight nude so that they would know no-one was ‘forging’ their gender or religion. I feel that this is a little extreme of a measure. Because most anything can be forged, some trust (or acceptance that our society isn’t ideal, and some give has to be made) has to be had.

Hey Nemesis - We’re cool bud. No offense taken. I love hearing everyone’s veiwpoints and I think this is a cool forum

Originally Posted by jack1324
Every adult content site is 18+ no matter, but some here our under 18. ;-)

Yes. ;)

This is according to story/legend/whatever

The originators of jelqing were arabs? some middle easters africaish people.

Anyway they would tell there son about jelqing when they went thtough puberty(13ish) and by the time they were older they would have huge penises. Also I read that they would become so large, or sometihng else happened that eventually it would become useless or the cells would die and the penis would fall off

Just thought id tell everyone, most might have know.

One or two points that have to be considered, particularly in a site that discusses sexual organs in any form are 1) Public opinion and 2) political correctness.

A fine line has to be trod by any site that has any sexual content if it wishes to be accepted by those who would monitor our lives. And the main points referred to, are exposure to minors of matters of a sexual nature.

It seems to me to be common sense to be certain that no ammunition can be given to those who would wish to shut down any site that has those terrible words such as penis and testicules.

So it makes common sense to set the limits to avoid any confrontation with the 1’s and 2’s above.


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