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why flaccid lenght is don't measure bp?

why flaccid lenght is don't measure bp?

All us know that the method to measure erect lenght is bpel, but the flaccid is nbpel, why also the flaccid lenght not measure bpel?

I don’t know if is the right section, if is not please some moderator to move in appropiate section, please.

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

This section is fine.

I think the reason FL is used instead of ‘BPFL’ is because, unlike BPEL, which measures the useable length of you penis while erect, FL is purely a visual quantity. Whatever else is tucked in under your fat pad, for you FL, is never going to do anything for you, since it cannot be seen, and you don’t have sex when you’re flaccid.

Originally Posted by Tweaking

This section is fine.

I think the reason FL is used instead of ‘BPFL’ is because, unlike BPEL, which measures the useable length of you penis while erect, FL is purely a visual quantity. Whatever else is tucked in under your fat pad, for you FL, is never going to do anything for you, since it cannot be seen, and you don’t have sex when you’re flaccid.

Good point, but if we have to count the progress made with pe we should measure also the flaccid with bpel, with pe grow also the flaccid.

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

Last edited by Tweaking : 03-03-2011 at .

Absolutely. If you intend to keep track of your flaccid gains then you should definately use a BPFL measurement. I would have myself, when I began, except my weight never changes enough to alter my fatpad, so I don’t bother :)

I think the BPFL is a problem because when you press ruler, you push the ligaments and shorten the penis a bit when it is flaccid.

Originally Posted by testdriver
I think the BPFL is a problem because when you press ruler, you push the ligaments and shorten the penis a bit when it is flaccid.

is the same problem when is erect. if you push on top but slighlty at side( always on top) this problem disappear.

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

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