Thunder's Place

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Very small flaccid lenght

Very small flaccid lenght

how can I increase my flaccid length?
sometimes it scares me how small it looks, however, when erected it’s about 6 1/2 by 5 1/2 but flaccid is terrible…
any suggestion?
I’m starting with about 5-6 minutes stretch and about 50 to 100 wet jelqs lasting about 3 seconds each, what more to increase fullness?


I’m not a vet’ mate but I think that the Newby programme and daily jelqs will improve your flacid length. I think that the combination of jelqs and Kegels will improve the overall health of your dick and give you some regular hang.

Good luck

You’ve been here for two years, Don, and haven’t seen threads about increasing flaccid size? :)

you have 5503 posts actually while I have 97 this included, this should give you the measure of how much I watch this site :-(

Originally Posted by jordon
I’m not a vet’ mate but I think that the Newby programme and daily jelqs will improve your flacid length. I think that the combination of jelqs and Kegels will improve the overall health of your dick and give you some regular hang.

Good luck

Yup. What he said.

"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"

- Tupac Shakur

Don, I realize you might not visit here much, just suggesting you try a Search :) There are tons of threads on the topic! How much PEing have you done in the last couple years, and how has it affected your flaccid size?

Originally Posted by DonGiovanni
how can I increase my flaccid length?
sometimes it scares me how small it looks, however, when erected it’s about 6 1/2 by 5 1/2 but flaccid is terrible…
any suggestion?
I’m starting with about 5-6 minutes stretch and about 50 to 100 wet jelqs lasting about 3 seconds each, what more to increase fullness?



Non è semplice aumentare da “flaccido”.

Comunque, se mi permetti, ti alleni poco.
Aumenta progressivamente lo streching sino all’optimun di 30 minuti 5-6volte alla settimana.

Per quanto riguarda il jelqing , a me funziona solo come riscaldamento.


is not easy to increase ” flaccid size”.

However, according to me , you are PEing too little.

Try to increase the stretching session till about 30 min 5-6 times a week.

About standard jelq, for me doesn’t work.

Originally Posted by mark001

Non è semplice aumentare da “flaccido”.

Comunque, se mi permetti, ti alleni poco.
Aumenta progressivamente lo streching sino all’optimun di 30 minuti 5-6volte alla settimana.

Per quanto riguarda il jelqing , a me funziona solo come riscaldamento.

It depends, actually. For those with smaller flaccid size - or “growers” - soft gains are usually the first noticeable signs of progress. At least they were for me. But after those initial flaccid gains there’s a plateau you reach. Since I stopped PE-ing (about 3 wks ago), I’ve lost those initial flaccid gains, so you also must continue your routine with regularity.

"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"

- Tupac Shakur

Originally Posted by DonGiovanni
when erected it’s about 6 1/2 by 5 1/2 but flaccid is terrible…

That is exactly where I was starting out. My flacid is much better now but still not so good on some days.

Noobie routine = :D

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by fauxreal
It depends, actually. For those with smaller flaccid size - or “growers” - soft gains are usually the first noticeable signs of progress. At least they were for me. But after those initial flaccid gains there’s a plateau you reach. Since I stopped PE-ing (about 3 wks ago), I’ve lost those initial flaccid gains, so you also must continue your routine with regularity.

I agree that it depends from a lot of factor difficult to clarify.

A lot of the best persons in this forum like Avocet8 , Peforeal and others teach us on this matter.

I have always been an embarrassed “grower”.

After 6 months of regular PE I tested my lenght in this day ( with some Cialis, why I suffer of low libido ) .

Good results. Also flaccid has gained but surely less.

At this moment I am more “grower” then when I start, even if , I repeat my flaccid is fuller.

However it is a long run

Originally Posted by DonGiovanni
how can I increase my flaccid length?
sometimes it scares me how small it looks, however, when erected it’s about 6 1/2 by 5 1/2 but flaccid is terrible…
any suggestion?
I’m starting with about 5-6 minutes stretch and about 50 to 100 wet jelqs lasting about 3 seconds each, what more to increase fullness?


Jelqing helps you to get a bigger flaccid. Clamping does that too. But rotation stretches and fowfers are the best flaccid exercises. Doing those should really help.

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