Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Major flaccid growth.

Major flaccid growth.

So I’ve PE’d about 5 times now and noticed a huge difference in my average size when my penis is flaccid. A little over a week ago every time I took my dick out to take a leak it was (and I’m guessing here) maybe.. 1.5 inches long? Really small.. Starting a day or so ago I began to notice it being (and again I’m guessing) closer to 4” and much thicker every time I take it out. I haven’t noticed any difference in EL or EG and I still haven’t even measured either of those (and of course I wasn’t expecting to make noticeable changes in erect sizes this quickly). Anyways, even though flaccid size isn’t what I’m shooting for I’m still excited about the gains. Now I won’t have to be so shy in the locker room!! But the reason for this post is that I’m wondering if these gains in flaccid size are normal. I read on a post before about an increase in flaccid size being an indicator of soon to come gains in EL and EG, is this true? I also read on another post about valves and how they control the blood flow in your penis controlling, in a sense, it’s size. Could the gains in my flaccid size be a result of damaged valves?

Pretty much I’m just wanting to know if I should be happy or on my way to the doctor. I appreciate any replies!


Dude, I’ve been PE’ing since mid-November (jelqing and manual stretching), and flaccid gains are about ALL I’ve gotten (though I don’t know about girth, since girth isn’t what I’m shooting for), other than 1/4 of an inch. In fact, my flaccid length looks pretty good or even above average, but my lack of EL gains continues to disappoint. I also suspect that if you stop jelqing for a few days, most of the flaccid gains will also go.

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