Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Growth from wearing a stretching device


Growth from wearing a stretching device

I understand from the literature that came with my Penimaster that cell tissue in the penis is stimulated to grow owing to a permanent tractive effect over an extended period of time.

I was wondering where abouts on the penis shaft the growth took place?
Obviously between the base and the support tray, but would growth occur at the weakest point and always occur there so that the new penis was all in one place? (Not sure if I managed to word that very well but I hope you understand the question).

For those that have had gains from this or a similar tractive device, is the new penis that you have grown just as sensitive as the rest of your penis?

Also as growth only occurs for the duration it is worn would it be best to wear it for 6 hours straight or 2 hours each in the morning, afternoon and evening?

I think you should wear it for as long as it is comfortable, from what I’ve heard you have to get used to it overtime, so I think your dick will let you know how long is comfortable, and you will have to build up to all day. Just never sleep with that puppy on.

The growth most likely is from the inner penis being pulled out, I also believe it could be the shaft of the penis, along with the skin, and tunica as well, Its a concerted effort by your whole penis.

Well I noticed no one else responded so I figured I’d give it a go. :)

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

I asked a similar question awhile ago. I suspect that growth happens primarily inside the body. Many hangers have the impression that their penises are being “pulled out” as they gain.

Inside the body, the corpora cavernosa split into separate crura that attach to bone. The portion of the tunica that surrounds the crura consists primarily of circumferential fibers.

It seems to me that this region would be relatively easy to stretch, especially compared with other areas where the tunica include a thick layer of longitudinal fibers.

The fact that your stretcher extends outside your body does not mean that the force it exerts is limited to the region outside your body. The force is actually transmitted through the tunica all the way back to the pubic ischium (loop-like bones you sit on), where the tunica becomes invested into the bone like a ligament. Therefore, stretching can occur both inside and outside the body.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Thanks Big Tee, I thought this post was going to disappear without an answer :)
I am averaging 8 hours a day at between 690 and 920g.
Don’t worry I will never wear it to bed.

Modesto thanks for your opinion. It surprised me a little actually as I had been thinking that growth occurred between the strap and base but what you and Big Tee say does make sense about the inner penis being pulled out also.
Although I wear the PM up so maybe less stress is on my ligaments.

There are quite a few people who report 2” length gains, but I don’t know of any who report 2” girth gains (whatever the PE method), so it seems reasonable to accept that most gains are ligament changes more than tunica changes. That would support what Modesto is saying.

bluenun, I’d be curious if you notice that it works or not, short-term or long-term. What is it like after you take it off?

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I asked a similar question awhile ago. I suspect that growth happens primarily inside the body. Many hangers have the impression that their penises are being “pulled out” as they gain.

Inside the body, the corpora cavernosa split into separate crura that attach to bone. The portion of the tunica that surrounds the crura consists primarily of circumferential fibers.

It seems to me that this region would be relatively easy to stretch, especially compared with other areas where the tunica include a thick layer of longitudinal fibers.

The fact that your stretcher extends outside your body does not mean that the force it exerts is limited to the region outside your body. The force is actually transmitted through the tunica all the way back to the pubic ischium (loop-like bones you sit on), where the tunica becomes invested into the bone like a ligament. Therefore, stretching can occur both inside and outside the body.

Damn you took your smart pills today didnt you? All kidding aside, that has to be the best articulation and description I have seen yet.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Thanks, Mr. 789. I’ll be sure to list this publication on my resume (LOL).

I’m guessing on the fibers in the crura being primarily circumferential. There could be significant longitudinal fibers as well. Different sources suggest different things.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Extender growth optimisation

Hi everyone, I have been wearing an extender for 6 months now and have grown 15mm in erect length. at 2.5mm per month it seems I am a slow grower compared to extender medical trials average of 4+mm.
I have been very consistent though, wearing it or hanging in bed for around 9 hours almost every day.
However, recently I have been wearing it less and gaining faster after making a change to my routine.
After reading Bib’s threads and seeing his hanging results, even with all that weight he hung, the best monthly average he managed was 6mm but mostly he grew around 4mm per month, after a few years he grew over 2”! This made me realise that the most important part of my routine is the manual stretching I do at the start.

With your hands you can exert a traction force of over 10kilos, I read somewhere that it takes 8Kg to create the micro-tears in the penis. So I stretch to the limit of pain for 10mins before I start wearing my extender.

If someone is knowledgeable about the subject of cellular regenisis I’d like to hear his opinion on the following theory.

I wear the extender for 3-5hours non stop (this is possible because I modified my extender to use “the Grip G-Flex weight attachment sleeve” which doesn’t cut off the circulation like a noose) I figure that since it takes 8 hours to create a new cell to fill the space in the microtear, wearing it for half of that time, the cell should be well on the way to splitting in two ( there is probably a point of no return for the new cell, right?) at this point there is no more need to keep the penis extended and taking it off improves blood circulation which should help the growth process.

Instead of wearing it for as long as possible I make sure I do 2-3 10 minute stretches per day before the 3 hour minimum extender wearing periods with breaks in between.

Originally Posted by Shiver
There are quite a few people who report 2” length gains, but I don’t know of any who report 2” girth gains (whatever the PE method), so it seems reasonable to accept that most gains are ligament changes more than tunica changes. That would support what Modesto is saying.

Or, 3 other possibilities:

(1) Longitudinal extension of the tunica might be easier, in the long run, than latitudinal expansion.

(2) The inner chambers (CC/CS) might not be able to expand to quite that diameter.

(3) As guys do achieve good girth gains, the desire for more might diminish (perhaps due to sex becoming much tighter - whereas the length of insertion of a long penis can be regulated, girth cannot). If the average man is approx 5” EG, he might realize long before he hits 7” EG that willing sexual partners are becoming more scarce. And, yes, I believe that. Briefly, my EG midshaft was over 6 1/4” last Summer and the wife was like, “Ugh, shit!” when we were having sex (and my base was over 6 1/2”++). And that discomfort was even with K-Y jelly! I sincerely believe that if I were 7” midshaft, she would’ve said, “Hell no.”

Very few women truly want 7” girth, what they say and what they lay are usually 2 different things entirely. If you had a legit 7.00” EG, midshaft (which usually signifies even more base girth), I believe that many women would not risk getting split in half with that thing. They want sex to feel good, not traumatic. For most women, 6” midshaft is usually a very good size.

Consider that the oft-touted “ideal size” (8 x 6) is 22.92 ci. An 8 x 7 is 31.19 ci - a friggin’ mammoth cock. Nobody in this forum even approaches 31 ci.

Has Anyone Seen This Device? Feedback Please ???

Guys I found this device a long while back and it seems to work decent. I was hoping to get some insight on theory based on its design. (please copy/paste link below) If attachment fails (I’m new here)

the way it works:
you tie the black strap (big) around your leg for tension
the latex (yellow) wraps around your Penis and the skinny black velcro is used to hold the latex on.

it seems to only stay on when you are standing and what i do is put it on in the AM when i walk my dogs. I allow enough slack to where a full stride give me a good pull. I average 3-5 miles (thats a few thousand stretches) a day 4-5 days a week. In addition, i alternate legs as well to keep it pointing staight
at the end of the walk my color is good and my head is warm (no circulation issues) and I get a really good stretch.
Would this go under a stretching catag. or something other ? Has anyone ever seen or used one of these?? I can’t find the guy on the internet that sells these anymore and when i do a search they dont come up.
MY MOST important quest however is;
if i want to try hanging as an option for length also, can i do it standing??? (while doing everday things like working, walking around, etc ?) if so what is recommended? weight time frames per set, equipment, etc etc ?? Is sitting really dramatically more beneficial than standing while hanging??? thanks guys

stretching device.webp
(15.2 KB, 266 views)

I’ve got one of those stretchers somewhere that I got several years back. I had the same issues with it as any other ADS though, in that I couldn’t get it to stay on without using a tightness that allowed circulation. Eventually the latex rubber snapped on the end that goes into the buckle, so I cut off the velcro to use as a constrictor, and used the rubber sheet as grip assist for jelqing.

Finally, someone who had seen this device !!

Shiver, thanks for the reply.. I have to ask though when you were able to get the device to fit and stay on, did you feel that it worked based on the stretch it gave while walking??? Is that intermittent tugging actually worthwhile ? flaccid i seem to be hanging a little longer. havent measured but just eyeballing it theres a noticable difference. Once you gave up on this device what did you go to in place of it for stretching???

thanks again


You can find my current routine if you search my recent posts like these:

When I have made great gains, I…
BFS Theory

Reading up on the sports therapy and medline type websites, there seems to be some benefit from cyclical stretching, though it seems cycles of >5 seconds are better. I don’t believe that large amounts of force are needed, but a time based stretch is important. If you only have a stretch of 1/2lb but keep it for 24 hours per day, I believe it would be better than hanging 50lb for an hour. The idea being that encouraging gentle adaptation is better than complete torture.

If the device fits then I think it would produce results. It may take 3-6 months for something significant, but if it is not a big issue to wear then passive gains are the best kind. I was hoping it would be a fit and forget thing, but for me at least that was not the case. I’ve always wanted something I could wear at night time with confidence that no constriction would occur. This device was just one of the things I tried. Other devices I’ve tried (eg. Jes extender) I also couldn’t wear, but others get on just fine with them.

Hey Charles.. Did you ever find another stretcher like that, it looks like it would be comfortable.

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