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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

BFS Theory


BFS Theory

While I’m not under the delusion that this may come close to rivalling Bib’s LOT Theory, I think this concept may have some substance to it.

To give it a snazzy name, I refer to it as my Break Flaccid Stretch Theory.

The concept of a deconditioning break to shatter plateaus has certainly been around the forum for quite some time, but I noticed a correlation with my flaccid stretch length increase during my last break, which then actually translated into the EL gain I made upon resumption of PE (0.22”).

* 03/03/2004: 7.52” BPEL & 7.87” BPFSL
* 2 Month Deconditioning Break
* 05/03/2004: 7.50” BPEL & 8.19” BPFSL
>> lost less than 1mm EL, but gained 8mm BPFSL (0.22”)
* 05/24/2004: 7.72” BPEL & 8.23” BPFSL (gained 0.22” EL)
>> after 5+ months of active PE:
* 11/01/2004: 7.80” BPEL & 8.27” BPFSL
Unfortunately, the 7.8 & the 8.27 were not cemented.

* 11/02/2004: 7.72 BPEL & 8.23” BPFSL
>> Began another Deconditioning Break

Today (12/13/2004), I took some measurements - 41 days into this break. I was not suprised to see that I’d lost some erect length (now 7.68” / 195mm), but my BPFSL - after only 3 tries - was 214mm (8.43”). This is a full 0.2” above that when my break began 41 days ago, and 0.16” larger than the biggest (uncemented) size I’d ever had.

I still have a while to go on my break, but I’m going to keep monitoring my BPFSL - as I think this is a key indicator as to the efficacy of a break. I’m going to measure it every 2 weeks, and as long as it’s growing or staying the same, I’ll stay on break. If it recedes at all, I’ll resume active PE.

My BFS Theory suggests that as our units become really conditioned (toughened) from active PE, we tighten up. Gains dry up and we’re just spinning our wheels. But if we go on break, those tissues begin to de-condition, they relax and extend of course. This is being revealed in my increasing BPFSL measurements.

I theorize that as long as our BPFSL measurements are enhancing, we need to prolong our break as this is evidence that our units are still deconditioning. Once the BPFSL gains stop, we’re as near a “newbie state” as we’re going to achieve: Time to resume.

This answers a key question: “How long should I take off?”

Part 2 of the theory posits that the increase of our BPFSL may be proportionate to the EL gain we are about to realize. Although this would require a lot of trial & error. The ratio may well not be 1:1 (but it was quite close for me last time - 1:1 if you consider my slightly lost size upon resumption, or just under if you measure the 7.52 to 7.72 = 0.2” EL vs 0.22” BPFSL.

So, the BFS Theory is:

(1) A vivid illustration of exactly what happens during a break and why breaks are needed.

(2) A barometer of how long we should break (and when to resume).

(3) A possible forecast of the EL gains we’re about to realize shortly after resuming active PE.

Any thoughts, experiences, questions, etc. are encouraged.

- w a d

Nice theory Wadman…A couple questions though.

Originally Posted by wadzilla

Today (12/13/2004), I took some measurements - 41 days into this break. I was not suprised to see that I’d lost some erect length (now 7.68” / 195mm), but my BPFSL - after only 3 tries - was 214mm (8.43”). This is a full 0.2” above that when my break began 41 days ago, and 0.16” larger than the biggest (uncemented) size I’d ever had.

So even on a break, do you feel it is ok and not prematurely “invalidating” the break to meausre BPFSL as you have to pull on your dick to do this?

Originally Posted by wadzilla
I still have a while to go on my break, but I’m going to keep monitoring my BPFSL - as I think this is a key indicator as to the efficacy of a break. I’m going to measure it every 2 weeks, and as long as it’s growing or staying the same, I’ll stay on break. If it recedes at all, I’ll resume active PE.

Nice. Definently makes sense. But I don’t quite understand how BPFSL can increase any furthur than a week into a break.
My BFS Theory suggests that as our units become really conditioned (toughened) from active PE, we tighten up. Gains dry up and we’re just spinning our wheels. But if we go on break, those tissues begin to de-condition, they relax and extend of course. This is being revealed in my increasing BPFSL measurements.

Nice. Definently makes sense. But I don’t quite understand how BPFSL can increase any furthur than a week into a break.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

I see what you mean about the pull on the stretch, but I think that doing 2 or 3 measurements every 10-14 days would hardly constitute PE.

In terms of why a BPFSL could increase further than a week into a break, I could understand easily that it reveals a heavily conditioned cock. Think about all of the stresses we PE’ers subject our units to. Literally, we abuse our cocks more in a few weeks than most men do in a lifetime. How often do you think the average guy gets petichiae (the red spots we sometimes get)? Or how many guys pull on their cocks until their ligs ache, or subject their cocks to vacuum pressures? We’re doing to our units what Nature never intended. They certainly toughen up. I’ve always believed that we want to lengthen our cocks before we strengthen our cocks.

The tougher our cocks become, the more resistent they are to further growth. It’s like a defense mechanism. I believe that a BPFSL can increase weeks, maybe even a few months after quitting PE (not by much of course). But that would depend on how long active PE was involved, and what type of PE, how intense, how frequent, how long the workouts, etc., etc.

I like your thinking wadzilla. I’m currently in a deconditioning period right now. I wasn’t going to start up again until after new years. I figured a month off sounded like a nice round number. I didn’t think about any way to determine when my penis would return into a prePE state. Your observations sound interesting and since it coincides with my current goals to regain the newbie pop I think I go ahead jump on your bandwagon and monitor my BPFSL. Hopefully I’ll have some collaborating data to report.

If you wouldn’t mind I would like to get your opinion on my take of the newbie pop.
New Way To Jelq For Better Results
After reading your theory I think we are thinking along the same lines.

Wad, can you condense this down a bit and simplify it? Translate into plain English?


I understand the gist of the thread, about taking jelqing “past the thresh hold,” but I would guess that it’s a lot easier to overdo jelqing than stretching - for several reasons:

(1) The tissues we’re targeting with jelqs (the soft spongy tissues of the CC/CS) are more delicate than the dense, unforgiving ligs & the longitudinal expansion of the tunica via stretching.

(2) Jelqs are easier to do, less monotonous, less abusive to the hands. And, well, wet jelqs don’t feel too bad either. :)

I think it’s more likely to overdo the jelqs & underdo the stretching. But you want to be careful you don’t *traumatize* the spongy tissues. When it comes to length work, it’s almost impossible to do too much. Girth/impaction exercises are much different.


You want to be my editor?


No, I just wish you would clarify what you are saying. I confess I’m a bit tired and not very sharp at the moment. I read your post, saw all the numbers, and didn’t quite catch what you are trying to convey here. I figure I’m probably not the only one. So, if you can put this new theory into a more simple format and wording, maybe it will reach more people - like me. :)

“So, the BFS Theory is:

(1) A vivid illustration of exactly what happens during a break and why breaks are needed.

(2) A barometer of how long we should break (and when to resume).

(3) A possible forecast of the EL gains we’re about to realize shortly after resuming active PE.”

When you hit a plateau, measure your BPFSL, then take a break. At least 1 month, minimum. Take some BPFSL measurements - they’ll probably go up. If so, stay on break. Measure every 10-14 days, you might keep seeing some slight increments - maybe 1mm at a time. If so, your unit is still deconditioning. When your BPFSL increases taper off, time to resume.

Part 2 suggests that the BPFSL increase might well be a forecast of the EL gains that are in store for you - as they were for me.


Wad, it sounds like you’ve confirmed Bib’s old point about skin growth before EL growth. It would make sense that the penis can only grow as Bib said, as much as its ‘container’ allows it to. Hence the BPFSL before EL growth. Perhaps a poll is in order to see a correlation on a bigger scale?

Also, not to get side tracked from the topic, but your point about measuring every now and then makes me think I’m not measuring frequently enough to see progress or not. How do you deal with the over-measuring that affects some PEers out there, given that we should measure often but could lead into an obsession?

On a last note, I understand the theory applies to deconditioning breaks specifically, but what do you theorize would be the impact on the forecasting portion of the theory given you do some kind BPFSL exercises, say fowfers, to increase BPFSL? Assuming the routine was geared towards the normal goal of EL gains.

Progress Tracking As of 01/01/05 : 6.5 BPEL x 5.25 G As of 04/08/05 : 6.75 BPEL x 5.25 G Short Term Goal : 7 BPEL Long Term Goal : When a trip to china and getting on the great wall means hopping on my member

Yes, much better. Thanks.

This may be a good method of determining when the tissues have become as relaxed as they are going to get. Or not. I don’t know for sure. It strikes me as a good way to check, assuming a guy can measure BPFSL down to 1/16” reliably. I can, and you probably can, but many guys aren’t good enough at measuring to determine such small changes.

The tissues reaching maximum laxity is not necessarily an indication they have deconditioned to the point they have been primed for optimum gains.

>(1) A vivid illustration of exactly what happens during a break and why breaks are needed.

I don’t see any clear illustration provided, much less a vivid one. If you want to be awarded the holy grail of PE, you’ll have to do much better than that. ;)

>(2) A barometer of how long we should break (and when to resume).

Tissues relaxing to the fullest extent isn’t necessarily the prime time to hit them hard again. I’m not saying it is not. I don’t know if BPFSL changes are even a measure of this. I am saying your conclusion here is not necessarily true, and it is basically unsupported by any evidence or even anecdotes I’ve read.

>(3) A possible forecast of the EL gains we’re about to realize shortly after resuming active PE.”

How so?

My BPFSL used to run exactly .5” ahead of my BPEL. Then it increased to 5/8” and has been roughly there since. Others have reported increases in the gap, some even a lot more than I’ve had. Erection fullness doesn’t explain the difference, meaning it’s not weaker erections lagging behind an increasing BPFSL length. The BPFSL: BPEL ratio can and does change over time. An increase in BPFSL may portend and increase in BPEL. Or not.

Wad, don’t get me wrong. This kind of thing is very interesting and welcome here. Good stuff. I like thinkers, and you are certainly a great one. But in this setting people are encourged to question and think for themselves instead of blindly accepting whatever they are told. Someone will question whatever new theory is put forth. And here I am. :)


Glad to see the mind is back on the job you always come up with some interesting theories.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Wad, this all sounds very interesting. I know you have been developing these ideas for a while now and that a number of us are general agreement of your observations.

This may possibly be the next step in PE we are looking for. I think a new experiment with a number of volunteers is in order.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
My BFS Theory suggests that as our units become really conditioned (toughened) from active PE, we tighten up. Gains dry up and we’re just spinning our wheels. But if we go on break, those tissues begin to de-condition, they relax and extend of course. This is being revealed in my increasing BPFSL measurements.

I theorize that as long as our BPFSL measurements are enhancing, we need to prolong our break as this is evidence that our units are still deconditioning. Once the BPFSL gains stop, we’re as near a “newbie state” as we’re going to achieve: Time to resume.

This is another great post Wadzilla!

What is your take on when a newbie should actually take a deconditioning break? After 3,6,9,12 months? Are they real signs that a newbie should watch for, as it could be hard for a newbie to actually understand when a plateau hits??

Thanks very much for your information - much appreciated!

I conceded that the 3rd point of my summation, about possibly forecasting length gains based on FSL increases, was the weakest. I realize that the % of difference of FSL to EL varies greatly between PE’ers and can change (as mine has) during an individual’s PE career. So that was a shakey one that I put out.

In terms of tissue relaxation, as per FSL increases being an indicator of deconditioning, I believe that is the case. If you consider what happens during a serious plateau, I believe the case is that the tissues become overly tough, therefore resistant to additional growth. As has been the case during both of my breaks, my FSL increased (and not just a mm or two, but roughly a 1/4” each time and counting).

There’s really no other barometer to measure this, such as the way the USSR used to log regular A.M. pulse rate & BPs of its elite athletes to monitor potential overtraining and to adjust - or temporarily curtail - training as needed. But overtraining with weights is a general, systemic syndrome (increase of free radicals, compromised endocrine system, adrenal distress, drop in testosterone, etc., etc.). Overtraining in PE is a specific, localized phenom (and for many reasons, which I won’t go into unless requested). I don’t believe that the need for a PE break, or the length thereof, should be just some arbitrary guess. We need to do better than that. So far, I haven’t read anything that offers any concrete suggestions - other than the BFS test/theory. As with any theory, this should get scrutiny, and be put to the test - that’s the only way to determine if it’s valid.

As for my “illustration” of this occurrence, I think you should look at 2 variables: EL and FSL. If your routine has badly stagnated and you take a break, why would FSL increase (especially if EL suffers some)? That one measurement - the relaxed state - increases while the EL decreases illustrates, I believe, that your tissues are in dire need of a cessation of PE stress. The full illustration would be, in my opinion, the EL gains the shortly follow the resumption of active PE.

I don’t think “frequent” measuring is a problem if you don’t let it discourage you. I think it’s a great way of monitoring feedback (your routine is either working, or it ain’t). But how often is “frequent”? Daily? No. Weekly? Not too bad. I suggested once every 10-14 days. But I don’t see the purpose of measuring only once per 1-3 months. An effective PE routine should NOT take 3 months to see any results. And if you wait months to measure and find that you’ve gained nothing, THAT is discouraging. And it’s also a waste of 3 months of your time to determine that your routine was shit.

Thanks. I come here to learn. If I think of something that may be of use to others, I consider it a little payback for the vast repository of knowledge that I’ve benefited from here. As I’ve said, Thunder’s is a database of PE knowledge that ridiculously outdistances any and all payguides.

The decision of when to break or not to break seems a little arbitrary. If you’re making gains, then don’t break by any means. Ride the tide - as Cromwell said, “Strike while the iron is hot.”

My theory is this, we should all be striving for at least 1 inch per year; then, as we’re nearing our goals, maybe 1/2 inch per year. Say you want 1 inch only - try to hit it within a year or so. Two inches might be 2-3 years. And a three inch gain (quite difficult), may take you anywhere from 3.5-5+ years or so. So, if you’ve just gone 4 months and gained nothing - nothing, not even a mm - then your routine is shit. You may go 4 more months, or 40 more months, and not gain a mm. So, it ain’t working.

You should first take a critical look at your approach (this knowledge comes from hanging out here, carefully reading the threads, asking questions, etc.). You may not need a break, your routine just may be crap. But if, after careful study and asking members here, your routine seems okay, try upping the volume some - particularly on the stretches. If another month or so goes by with no gain, try a break (I suspect that most guys probably overtrain jelqs & undertrain length - at least I did, and I’ve read many routines here that are so heavy on jelqs but include only token stretching. RB made great length gains from a stretch-heavy approach).

Breaks should be at least 1 full month in my opinion; longer if you’ve really been spinning your wheels on a vigorous routine. But, just as the decision to take a break from the gym, it comes down to opinion. We’re really only “guessing” that we need time off. But it should be a guess based on a careful analysis of your workouts, particularly ruler feed back. Any theory can look good - or bad - on paper, but demonstrate itself quite differently in the real world.

I urge guys to give the BFS Theory and T.I.T.T. a run for their money. I think they have the potential to help a lot of guys who are languishing in “No Gains Land.”

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