my theory of the lot theory continued
Hello, here is some new idea I had a couple of days ago.
First I am a firm believer in the LOT theory.
But I have an idea about physiology that I would like to run past you guys.
The LOT Theory states that the tighter your ligs the higher LOT you have and the more chances you have to have quicker gains with the internal shaft being pulled forward - makes sense.
So some of us have tighter ligaments than others - I am wondering, if those with tighter ligaments in the penile area also had tighter ligs in other places. I have a very high LOT almost 10, I also know from sports that I have tight ligaments and tendons in my legs when I stretch, in fact every where on my body I am tight. So for the High Lot members of the forum, stretch and tell us if there is a connection to overall body flexibility and your ligs of the penile shaft.
this raises one more issue, if you stop stretching for a while, say your legs, you will eventually tighten up - what does this mean for PE - do people lose the stretch??? It would suggest that people will tighten everywhere if this idea seems to be anywhere close to the truth. Therfore maintanence is always needed. Lets see what we can come up with about this idea.