Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wife exaggerating size


Wife exaggerating size

Hi all this is my first time posting here I have been around for a while just usually read and learned I did PE a few years back and gained about 1/2 inch in length but lost it. Anyway my starting stats are 7 1/4 BPEL x 6 ebg and 5 1/4 mbg and my wife has always said she thinks I’m big and I don’t need PE.

But then we have been flirting around with this girl we know and joking about having a threesome and I noticed when she was telling the woman about my size she said I was 7 1/2 long. Now I know that’s not what she thinks because I am open about PE and told her my stats and where I want to get to. So if she’s happy with my size why would she lie and raise it up such a small amount? I don’t know anyway just curious if anyone else has over heard their wife/girlfriend/boyfriend exaggerate their size to friends and if you guys think its out of embarrassment or what.

I’m surprised she exagerated so little. WE measure in a way that gives the minimum accurate measurement - along the top. Most people practically measure from their ass-holes for the measurements they give! Also, only PEers think in terms of quarters or eighths of inches; the rest of the world rounds to the nearest half inch.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

What is mbg? Did you mean meg?

Also its possible that she just remembered it wrong.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Maybe she didn’t want to sound silly using quarter of an inch.

It’s like saying you’re 17.2 cm instead of rounding it to 17.5 cm or even 18 cm.

I overheard my wife saying I was REALLY BIG. I don’t think this is true but I don’t mind her saying it either.

2009 Bpel-6 5/8", Eg-5"

2011 Bpel-7 3/8", Eg-5 1/4"

2013 BPEL-7 3/8", EG 5 3/8"

most people just to round figures off. I notice people get a

little annoyed when you give too finer detail. Anyway, my wife does the

same, telling her friends and mine that I am big. Happy to take a

compliment. I wouldnt be worried.

7 inch is big my friend,believe it or not ;) .

You guys get worried over nothing, I wish I had a wife like that that exaggerated my numbers.

Starting: 6 7/8 EL X 4.8 EG (estimated since I didn't measure)

Current: 8.5 EL X 5.5 EG

Goal: 8.5 X 6.25

Most woman think 7 is 9. Only guys on this forum measure their dick. Guys exagerate about dick size so woman are brain washed into thinking 6 is 8 because all the 6 inch guys say they 8 and the 8 inch guys say their 10. Its a number game. I talk to alot of women and they all say they need 10 inches to bottom out. We all know thats some bullshit. You about to have a 3 some, dick size should be the last thing on your mind;)

She probaly only said you was 7.5 so her friend doesnt smile at you everytime she sees you. Just something to think about.

Yes meg but I measure a little higher then middle because I’m bad at guessing middle so I put it at circ scar to be more accurate. So its base and circ. And I’m not upset about her making me sound bigger I just thought it was weird to bump me up such a small amount but I think you are right about her not wanting to sound dorky to say 1/4 when most woman would just say he’s big or he’s average.

The last girl I dated for any significant period of time was going away for a while, so we went sex toy shopping. She wanted to pick something that was “my size.” she picked out this gargantuan dildo that she said was the closest she could find. It was slightly over 7.5inches long and about 5 inches around. The lesson here is women are very poor estimators of size.

But focus on the threesome first!

Started (6-10-12) BPEL: 7.000", NBPEL: 6.0" EG: not certain

Current (10-20-13) BPEL: 7.75", NBPEL: 6.375", EG: 4.875"

Goal: NBPEL: 7.5", EG: 5.5"

I think you’re all missing the point, including the original poster. Your wife was “bragging up” your penis size to impress a potential three way partner. Good lord, talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. Or something like that. Worrying about a quarter inch this way or that.

Until recently my wife (who dumped me) used to brag to her friends about my size. She swears she measured my dick at almost 8” (she even claimed 8 3/4 once) in early times of our relationship (it actually happened with a couple of huge erections I had that made her run for a metric tape). But the most I have registered according to my method of measuring is 7.5”, and usually just 7”.

But all that praising of my dick didn’t stop her from leaving me.

Originally Posted by Mr.BigStuff
Only guys on this forum measure their dick.

I’m sorry, but guess again :D
Even without PE I think almost every guy measures his dick once in his lifespan, correct me if I’m wrong but I’m fairly sure about it ;)


Start 9th of april 2012 : BPEL = 6,5" ; EG = 5,5"


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