Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wife liked increase

Wife liked increase

Hey gang, My first post.. My name is John and I am 42 and live in the midwest. I some how came across this web site looking for info on tongkat ali. I have been fascinated by all the posts. I have been married for 17 years to my penthouse pet. She is HOT and I still love her more than ever. Our sex life is great and she cums like theres no tomorrow> I has studied quite a bit on how to satisfy her, and know all the spots to make her purr. There are 5 that make her cum. I can last as long as I want. I always have been able to. She loves it!. I am 6.5 bpel and 4.75 girth. I am going to make it bigger. I am 6ft 2in and I feel a bigger unit would go better with the whole package. I would like to find out how your wives or SO’s handled the growth over time. My wife is 5ft. 4 and loves as deep as I can go. She has only been with 3 other guys and says I am the biggest. She thinks I am silly to do this( although I think she is into the idea,especially after 2 kids) and I have started to hang 2 hrs. A day and she doesn’t mind me doing so. My goal is like most.. 8x6 Thanks for responding. My user name is johnnyv.take care!

Hang two hours a day? Woah, slow down there tiger! You are not going to be pleasing anything if you jump into it like that.

Start off with a simple routine first; try the newbie routine.

After that, slowly work up to two hours a day, and more and more.

You are going to hurt yourself jumpining into two hours a day.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Hey remek, I did a little pe in the past, jelqing and such. Saw alittle gain but got to busy in life. I totally understand your concern about injury. I started with 5 pounds for a few week but felt nothing. I have since moved up in weight and can finally feel a nice easy stretch. I am hanging in the morning 3-4 sets of 15-20 minutes and a couple sets at night. My LOT is between 8&9 so I am hanging btc and am doing so right now. I am very careful to listen to my body. I don’t want to get slowed down by an injury. I’ll be careful. My dick has always worked very well and I am juiced up to think guys are really increasing their stuff!! .How long have you been pe’ing and what gains have you made?

Originally Posted by johnnyv
I am very careful to listen to my body. I don’t want to get slowed down by an injury. I’ll be careful.

I understand you have been PEing a while, and if you tell me your body can take it, then I will believe you. I cannot tell you I understand your body more than you do — that would be ludacris. That is what my doctor tries to tell me everytime I go in. This is why I do not like doctors — they think they know more about you than you know about you. But please do not take my caution lightly, I do not want to read a “I BROKE MY DICK” thread from you within the next few weeks. Do as you tell me you will, and listen to your body.

How long have you been pe’ing and what gains have you made?

I have been reading up on PE for approximately four years now, and I have been PEing on and off for two years.

I try not to measure anymore, because it is easy to get discouraged and impatient. But the last time I measured, I gained over 1 1/2 inches in length, and .5 inches in girth.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Great gains man, thats awesome!. And I do promise to be VERY CAREFUL!! When I have made those same gains I will be satisfied.

Jonnyv: welcome:

2hrs a day is pretty serious hang time for a newbie. But if your dick is conditioned and handling it go for it. You’ve been blessed with a pretty high LOT. That is a great start. Hang low, stretch low, do Fowfers and keep extended after your hang sessions. There have been some really good threads on this. Search ADS.

Also, your wife sounds like a gem. That’s half the battle right there. Having a PE savvy spouse makes this place work sooooo much better. Get her evolved. Encourage her to join the forum, we have quite a few female members and their input is invaluable. Incorporate PE in with sex play. Make it fun and you will stay with it longer. Next thing you know she will be following you around with a ruler like my spouse. Take some good bone press measurements and before pics. So many newbies forget to do that.

Good luck

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Thanks slackjawed,

I am not having any problems. If I start to notice any issues (erection problems etc.) I will back off some.

Thanks for your concern though

Johnny, you only have 1 dick… Take the advice of lowering hanging time a bit seriously.

Okay, I don’t think I should ignore advice from guys who have been doing pe longer than me, so I’ll back it off a bit. Although I am not experienceing any soreness at all, only a mild stretch. Could it be I have tougher ligs? Anyone have same type of experience?


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