Would starting clamping VERY slowly as a newbie be safe
Hey everyone. As the topic says would clamping for a newbie (1 month of PE) be safe IF I started clamping VERY slowly. I’m talking like.2 minute clamping sessions with no squeezes/jelqs/bends etc while clamped. Just plain clamping for like 2 minutes —-> take a break —-> 2 minutes —-> break. I’m thinking something very simple and MIGHT be ok for a newbie like me? I warmup for 10 mins under and IR lamp and would do the workout under it as well. If you guys think it might be ok, I may do that and then sloooowwwly increase the time over weeks/months. I’m mostly interested in girth at the moment. I would also be doing some moderate stretching (5 mins per day)
My stats are 6.9 BPEL and 4.7 EG.