Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 month gains before experiment!

1 month gains before experiment! and question

I’m participating in the new experiment so I decided to do a
measurement before I start my new routine. My “little friend” didn’t seem that much larger but I could tell a little difference. Well my new measurements are EL 6.75 and EG 4.25. This is not large at all, but my starting measurements were 5.81” and 3.88”. So I gained a little under an inch in erect length and close to a half inch in girth… wow… I couldn’t believe my eyes. My routine goes as such.

Split lenth/girth routine.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, is Girth

5 minute warmout
10 minute powerjelg with the “powerjelqer”
10minute squeezes
5 minute hand jelq

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday is length

5 minute warmup
10 minute v stretch
10 minute crank
10 minute underleg stretches

I also sneak in some fowfers whenever I get a chance.

I’m going for higher intensity for the experiment as my penis doesn’t seem to get too fatigued during my workouts, but won’t change it too much because I am getting gains. I think the biggest problem with most people is that they overtrain. I remember when I would workout at the gym thinking that the more I worked out the faster I would get gains. So I would load up on the heaviest weight and train for a couple of hours every day. I got very little gains… then I change to a very intense and took at least a couple of days off before I worked that muscle group again…I got GREAT gains… very noticable after the first week and it continued. Just a thought… I know different things work for different people, but I just wanted to share what works for me and maybe it will help someone else. Thanks to all you guys for the valuable info you post on the boards… my penis
thanks you and many vaginas will thank you for years to come!!!


If you’ve used the new stretcher devise…. how has it worked for you? I am very interested in adding stretching sessions using the device to my routine on my length days… or would you recommend using the BIB.. I have one, but I haven’t used it yet…I kind wondering about focusing on length because of BIB’s statements about adding length first because it easier’s while you girth is small… and my girth is very small.

Last edited by goingdeeper : 12-31-2001 at .


Right on, Bro. Congratulations to your gains. An inch in a month that’s not too bad at all. It’s incredible as a matter of fact.

Anyhoo, I’ll see you during the Ex.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Good job man…keep it up and stay focused and you’ll get there!

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