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100% erection jelq


Question to Insane man or anyone else… What are the signs of dorsal nerve damage?

If erect jelqing is bad, then why do some people suggest/use it as a technique? What about a Uli jelq (someone called them girthblasters in another post)? Would that cause damage as well?

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"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by wangchun
Question to Insane man or anyone else… What are the signs of dorsal nerve damage?

You should feel pain on the top of your shaft, near the head. For me it was a sharp, shooting pain. After that, my head was numb for a while.

Originally Posted by wangchun
Question to Insane man or anyone else… What are the signs of dorsal nerve damage?

Unfortunately, I sustained damage to the dorsal nerve as a result of a non-PE related injury. For me the symptoms were: general numbess, tingling sensation of the glans, insensitive to temperature or pressure. On occasion I even had “phanthom” sensations. I would feel pressure or temp conditions that were not really happening. Nothing like getting the feeling that somebody is sharply pinching the head of your cock, while your making a big presentation to the director of your department.

Though the physical injury to my penis healed fairly quickly, the nerve damage took close to year to heal completely. And honestly I am not sure that it ever came back to 100%. Once you have sustained a serious injury to your penis, there’s nothing anyone can do to get you to jeopardize your health again. But some people only learn the hard way.

Oh, how I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.

I acknowledge that there can be some risk doing it, especially my way, but so is it just doing regular PE. And when someone mention that I can be the first, they said it right there, the first…

People say listen to the vets, I have, but they have never given me any reason besides that it`s bad. Only thing thats bad I have heard is that some have gotten a weaker erection. Have not noticed that personally.

Also, when I do mine, I dont expand any blood vessels, so would be hard to get a thrombosed vein.

Im not saying I recommend it to people, its just that I have not seen any evidence that it can rupture the cavernosa, atleast not manual workouts. Give me some horrorstories and I might listen :)

I’ve also heard the view from the Empire State Building is so absolutely amazing that you may experience nirvana if you only go to the observation deck, climb to the very top of the suicide fence, stand on your tippy toes and lean way forward.


I’ve been doing 100% erect jelqs for like… 8 months. I haven’t experienced any injuries. But not much girth gains either.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I didn’t ask this before because I figured it would come up sooner or later… but how in the hell can you jelq at 100% erection? I simply can’t squeeze my dick that hard when it’s 100% erect. It’s got zero give to it. I’m not saying I get as hard as Swiss blue steel, but it is definitely some variety of hard wood (maybe a nice oak). I have no doubts I’d blow a gasket if I tried.

Maybe success depends on the general firmness of the individual’s erection. Who knows?

Oh, how I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.

Well, when your already around 100% erection, you can`t squeeze it that much further, but some is possible. Just gotta have the right grip and use your muscles :)

The funny thing is that I have gained length instead of girth from it. Go figure. Haven`t had any girth gains from any of my exercises :(

Krowax, I haven’t gotten any gains doing a 100% jelq either. This makes me wonder if maybe an 80% jelq is in fact better. Anyone?

I am having good girth result jelqing from 50% up to 90% erect,
when I get 100% erect I do same hardcore ULI´s, when I finished my Ulis my erection is about 50% so I jelq until I get 100%, then I do same ULI´s. again and I keep this cycle for 30min.
I am doing that for the last 8 months and I got .5” in girth from that.

This is working for me, but it may not work for you. My advice is to <b>listen to your body</b>

Yeah, I guess you’re right :P 95% might be more correct.. that I usually jelq at. But I’m gonna change to a lower level.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."


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