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100% erection jelq


100% erection jelq

Is girth more attainable at a 100% erection jelq or 70-80% or so? I’m asking because on one hand it seems like you would have more flexibility at 70-80% but more engorgement at 100%. Whats the deal?

100% erection jelqing is dangerous. That’s all I know.

Oh, how I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.

Yeah, thats what I’ve heard, but I’ve done it before with no consequences. I think I began doing it because when I first started PE I expected too much, too quickly.

You’ll stop doing it when you rupture a corpus cavernosa. Once it heals, which could take a long time, that spot will forever be susceptible to new damage and your PE career will be over.

Ouch. I don’t know about you guys but nothing makes me wince more than a broken penis. I’ll have to take your advice on that one.

Do you know of anyone who has actually ruptured the CC? Erect jelq can’t be that much worse than some horse squeezes or uli’s can it?

With Squeezes and such, you do them a lot slower than jelqs. And you don’t do a hell of a lot. You can easily get carried away with erect jelqs. I used to do them when I first started PE, before I found thunder’s. I had bad advice and several sessions ended with a sharp pain followed by a lightning quick flaccid penis. I think I may have damaged my dorsal nerve. I took a month off, reading avidly about PE. All is good now, but I will never do that again.

What about ULI erect jelqs?

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"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I have never heard of anyone rupturing their CC, atleast not people donig PE. Dont think you can put that much pressure on it. Im currently doing an exercise with a device that puts far more pressure on the CC then I can do manually and its still holding together :)

I retract my statement. Please feel free to blow up your dick.

Tell me of someone that has blown up their dick with manual erect workouts and I might listen.

Have heard some cases of people getting weaker erections after doing it, but seems to go back to normal after some healing.

Yeah, you can be the first one Dagger, that position is still open as far as we know. Then later when someone asks this same question, we can send them your way. Lots of risk there, besides a possible ruptured corpus cavernosa, you may get lucky and just thrombose a vein or two and set your PE carrer back while you heal.

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After watching gandolfs jelq video, I have concluded that I do my jelqs at the same level as him, I guess 80%? I guess 100% erect jelqing would be hard to do.

Dagger, listen to the old vets. Don’t play around with this shit unless you want to risk serious injury. I, for one, don’t want tohave to expalin to the emergency room why my dick is black and swollen 5 times bigger than usual because I felt the desire to squeeze the hell of it while I had a boner.

You can get so much more out it if you do squeeze jelqs at about 60-70%. Definitely an advanced move with not as much risk.


Like I said, I cause tempoarary damage to my dorsal nerve jelqing erect. I don’t know why a numb head wouldn’t be bad enough to steer people away.

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