3/8in. in 40 days w/ Coach Wrap!
Both the current article on the availability of the hangers and my Bib yoga work have inspired me to post on "Coach Wrap," a superior alternative to Thera Band.
I have gained 3/8 in flaccid length in the last 40 days. Before trying this, I don’t think I had gained anything in over a year! This the fastest I have grown. I am doing several tension based exercises and Coach wrap has allowed me to comfortably apply more tension than I was ever able to come close to with Thera.
I think this post belongs here because I use the hanger primarily for:
Bib Starter Yoga
I do a lot of different PE exercises and I don’t believe my length gain is only due to the yoga, but when I do it, I feel ligs I never knew I had.
I know a lot of you have hangers that don’t get used much and I think the primary reason is probably the steep learning curve associated with the standard Thera and sweatshirt material wrapping. It is both time consuming and difficult to master. I think many find themselves hanging for a few months with an uncomfortable hanger attachment. They tell themselves that they are going to stick it out but in the end opt for more comfortable and probably less productive exercises.
What is it?
It is a self-adhering elastic bandage made by Johnson and Johnson. I recommend the 2 in. wide variety. You can probably find it in most drug stores. I don’t know who discovered it, but it was not me.
With Coach wrap, you simply take a roll, start wrapping about 1/4 in below the head and spiraled down until you have wrapped with what seems to be too much for hanger attachment. Then tear off (yea, you can tear it with your hands) 2 or 3 inches at a time until you have just enough for a comfortable attachment. You may have to fiddle with the hanger adjustments a little but when you get everything right (and it doesn’t take long) you will be able to apply as much tension as you can/dare. The point of hanger attachment will no longer be the limiting factor!
Think about how long your dick could be if you were not limited by how hard/how long you can grip with your hands and/or your uncomfortable hanger attachment.
Now dust off your hanger and try some yoga and hanging with some coach wrap! It has changed my PE life.