Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3D printing and PE devices?

A couple pics of the prints of the “clamps” of the extender device.

(63.9 KB, 303 views)
(63.0 KB, 220 views)

Looking great so far! What modeling software you using? Any thoughts on other things to print? Have you tested yet? We really need a thingiverse dedicated to this stuff. That would be awesome!

Using 3D Studio Max at the moment. I’m actually working on another design now, which is similar to the one shown. The difference is the clamping mechanism at the bottom. The current one is too restrictive and doesn’t allow enough adjustment in my opinion.

That sounds good. What are you going to do something like a slide adjustment? Something like this .. Keep us updated on progress.

Originally Posted by novadude

That sounds good. What are you going to do something like a slide adjustment? Something like this .. Keep us updated on progress.

in the context it really scared me..

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
In the context it really scared me..

LOL.. I can see how it would now.

It was the first thing I could find in google images. I had originally thought of the adjustment mechanism for the depth of skill saw blade. So it could be worse :)

Haha, yes, something more like that, although not nearly as sharp, and not nearly as dangerous :)


just wanted to say that this develops into something wonderful. “Thundersplace, the only place where you get tailor-made PE equipment from men for men.”

What a spirit!

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My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Im amazed if it can 3D print off a part that is then put under pressure, how much did people pay for their printer and ink


the printers are quite costly, yes. and they do not really print, it’s more a sintering process, very thin layer by layer. so there is no ink but platic granulate or even metal as “ink”

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Spektrum - Anything new? I’m eager to see what your working on.

Yes, quite a bit new. I developed what I think will be an awesome way “adjust” the extender. It’s not using a typical metal screw, but instead, a large plastic screw. Very hard to describe but you will see what I’m talking about in pictures.

What I’m working on right now is a base for this system and the silicone mold that I will be using to “wrap” the base to make it more comfortable.

Here’s a quick render of the silicone base “wrap” and the mold that will be printed to make it.

(8.4 KB, 234 views)

I need to get into contact with you Spektrum.

I’m always coming up with designs for PE devices and working on new methods of PE.

I’ve spent time here and there for years trying to come up with a safe design for a machine that jelqs, pumps, and gently pulls on your penis for you controlled completely by a laptop with multiple safe guards against injury. But I kinda need to go back to school to get better with electronics designs or else it would take me longer to learn this stuff all on my own.

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Check out the Arduino: Arduino - Home

It’s an easily programmable microcontroller than can probably do everything you’d need. It’s easy to use with things like motors and sensors as well.

If you have some drawing/sketches, send them over! I’ll take a look and see what we can come up with.

I have an arduino already. My father built these in his spare time.

I don’t have any sketches at the moment but I could spend a couple days working on them.

I got most of my ideas about the pneumatic design from the air and oil systems on a 688 submarine, so it should be pretty cool.

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