Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A $.02 Ball Zinger

Well, my erections are harder, kegeling is more effective, the loads have more volume, and my recovery time between orgasms are much shorter. My GF thinks I’m trying to wear her out. BTW, I’m using 4 cents!

Found a couple of pennies while doing laundry. Gonna try this out! Any updates after several years?

PE'ing since 11/1/13. It's never too late to begin!



I’m now in South America, have in the past year scrounged through pockets to find some US pennies and make a 2¢ Ball Zinger, but with no noticeable zing, even now in the sweaty season here. I have some 3/8” copper tubing, and have dissected AA batteries to extract the zinc sheathing, so perhaps will look at this anew. I definitely felt something (and results) back in 2005-6 or whenever (memento will no doubt correct my dates).

I backed off this because it became so contentious (similar to the reaction I got in 1997, me suggesting that penis enlargement was a possibility, and being called liar, though I didn’t back off then. Don’t have dog in this fight: offering a hack, take or leave).

The damn Blakoe Ring still sells, so why shoudn’t a home made hack at 1% its cost?

I’d only add as an advisory my disappointment in fact with the otherwise brilliant 2¢ BZ concept. I don’t know why it hasn’t worked for me. It should.

I have no idea Tom, I would have thought it was earlier. Time flies.


Here are hobby’s most recent posts on the ball zinger

hobby - What a waste

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


Granted. Hobby only proved (maybe) that his innovation didn’t work, brilliant as it was (and still is, to me). The fact that one implementation doesn’t work does not logically negate the implications of the original proposition (except in small minds :D ).

Originally Posted by memento
I have no idea Tom, I would have thought it was earlier. Time flies.


Here are hobby’s most recent posts on the ball zinger

Hobby - What a waste

Thanks for the update, mem.

I have attached the pennies using a bit of scotch tape to some “stretchy” bandage wrap, placing them in direct contact with my scrotum as I traction wrap. I have been doing this for the last 2 days and have noticed a slight tingle every now and then, but I want to be sure that this feeling is legitimate and not what I want to believe I feel (psychosomatic?). I intend on wearing this for a while, perhaps at least 30 days, before making any type of assumption. I will also keep an eye on the PI’s as well. After reading “hobby’s most recent posts” regarding BZ, I forgot that I also made another one out of copper pipe and a piece of aluminum. I suppose I will test both, but I will go with the zinc for now.

PE'ing since 11/1/13. It's never too late to begin!



Originally Posted by lowtower
I forgot that I also made another one out of copper pipe and a piece of aluminum.

Stay away from direct skin contact with aluminum. I’m sure this has been discussed elsewhere.

Unless you want your balls to have Alzheimer’s :D

Got my ball zinger today :-)

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

How often should I wear the ball zinger?

I read that you shouldn’t wear it 24 hours a day, only a couple of hours for best results..

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Originally Posted by mr.lover
How often should I wear the ball zinger?
I read that you shouldn’t wear it 24 hours a day, only a couple of hours for best results..

I suppose as per manufacture’s recommendation.

PE'ing since 11/1/13. It's never too late to begin!



Originally Posted by mr.lover
How often should I wear the ball zinger?
I read that you shouldn’t wear it 24 hours a day, only a couple of hours for best results..

The Ball Zinger originated as a homemade hack of the Blakoe Ring. From its web site:

Q. Should I wear the Energising Ring at all times?
Initially the ring should be worn at all times day and night until you are satisfied that you have reached your personal capacity. Thereafter, the ring need only be worn as long and as often as you feel it necessary to maintain your desired level of virility.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
The Ball Zinger originated as a homemade hack of the Blakoe Ring. From its web site:

Q. Should I wear the Energising Ring at all times?
Initially the ring should be worn at all times day and night until you are satisfied that you have reached your personal capacity. Thereafter, the ring need only be worn as long and as often as you feel it necessary to maintain your desired level of virility.

Thank you Tom! I get wiser each day :-)

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

One thing about the ball zinger after using it mostly after my sessions. Is that the healing goes much faster :-)

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
The Ball Zinger originated as a homemade hack of the Blakoe Ring. From its web site:

Q. Should I wear the Energising Ring at all times?
Initially the ring should be worn at all times day and night until you are satisfied that you have reached your personal capacity. Thereafter, the ring need only be worn as long and as often as you feel it necessary to maintain your desired level of virility.

Notice the Blakoe advertising writer, from many years ago, back way before anyone even publicized jelqing, wrote “ring.” It was the Blakoe Ring. Ring as in what we now commonly refer to as “cock ring.” I’m still waiting for anyone to compare “results” by whatever objective measures they may choose to study to compare identical constrictive devices with and without supposed magic electricity involved.

To be clear, my position is zinging doesn’t do damn thing positive for anything related to penis enlargement, penile health, sexual drive, testosterone levels, one’s general health, or anything else beneficial otherwise.

A cock ring, wrap or whatever, does what it does. If a guy gets something out of a cock ring or other similar constrictive device, that effect is most likely from the constriction, not from any metals or the particular fabric of the device.

Personally, I understand there is no practical difference between constriction with and without magic metals involved, so I won’t waste my time further disproving it. Debunking what is so obviously a prima facie farce is a waste of time to most who would bother to investigate such things. It would be like going out of one’s way to demonstrate to naysayers that the Earth isn’t flat.

The burden of proof lies on the side making the claim. None, zip, zero, nada has been provided to even slightly hint that metals incorporated into a cock ring provide any effectiveness vs. the same constriction without the mild electric component.

I don’t wear magnets or crystals thinking such things will combat arthritis or whatever ills. Nor do I sacrifice animals in an effort to ease pains, bring better weather, bless people or prevent volcano eruptions. I don’t think I’ll become fit or lose fat by vibrating on something like this.

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And I don’t wear ball zingers.

Gotta try it. A few pennies and a Velcro strap from a computer charging block,glue,and sand paper. Sounds like a cheap way to work an experiment.Can’t see a down fall other than wasting a little time and comfort I’m already going to waste anyway.


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