Thunder's Place

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A $.02 Ball Zinger

I don’t know if anyone on this site ever attempted attaching a battery to their ball zinger but I think it’s not about direct electrical contact but your skin completing the circuit. In my opinion you should go for it and post the results or lack there of in a month.


The only dumb question, is the question not asked. Goals: 7" Long not bone pressed 6" Girth

I take a measure instrument and measure a cross the rods. I got a reading of 0.7 v
This is when I wearing it. The rods is sitting close to my balls at this time.

Is this low or is it a good reading ?

That’s what I got using pennies. .7 to at most low .8’s.

Originally Posted by SWW007
I don’t know if anyone on this site ever attempted attaching a battery to their ball zinger but I think it’s not about direct electrical contact but your skin completing the circuit. In my opinion you should go for it and post the results or lack there of in a month.


I tried with only 3 volts. Not a good idea. Anyhow, there will be some ‘hot spots’, some points with less electric resistance, some smaller skin-injuries with more humidity, which causes less electric resistance. This points of skin will lead the most of electricity (creating some ‘pathways’ for current), and these small wounds will become a strange dark ulcer. I had a few of them. I took about 2 weeks to heal them. So I tried the higher voltage but it was a bad idea.

The Ball Zinger’s main purpose to introduce Zinc ions to testicles. In this process, the small current help to carry these ions, but higher current isn’t necessary.

Good luck!

So what are peoples experiences with the Ball Zinger? How much does your load increase by when wearing it, how often do you have to wear it to see results, etc?

Originally Posted by greatorg
The Ball Zinger’s main purpose to introduce Zinc ions to testicles. In this process, the small current help to carry these ions, but higher current isn’t necessary.

Your skin may or may not absorp some of the rust. But there’s no introducing of ions into your system because of the current. The current is a flow of electrons.

Originally Posted by Piet
Your skin may or may not absorp some of the rust. But there’s no introducing of ions into your system because of the current. The current is a flow of electrons.

In this case the metals are the electrodes, your body fluid is the electrolyte. As in a galvanic battery, the current is creating by an electrochemical process, which causes the Zinc to solve into the electroliyte, in this case the similar electrochemical (redox-) process happen. Please ask somebody who is good in chemistry and speaks english. I know only the chemistry, but cannot explain it in english. (Sorry, I am Hungarian…)


What I remember from chemistry in school is that when a contact is formed between the metals via I guess the electrolyte, at both sides a chemical process starts. One metal reacts with water/oxygen with a positive amount of electrons afterwards as a result of the process and the other metal uses these electrons for the process with water/oxygen. The electrons travel from 1 metal to the other through the electrolyte. The chemical processes take place at the surface of the metals and the metal ions combine with water/oxygen and stay where they are.

Hello again.

I have some news about my home made zinger. And a question to.

Like I mention in my post earlier, I made my zinger this way, one 9 mm pure zinc and one pure 10 mm copper rods.
I cut this into about 2 ” or little less. I then took a 8 mm plastic tube, cut and fitted around my balls and cock.

I measured the voltage to 0,7v between them.

I notest if I took som water on my finger and had it under the rods (between my balls and cock)
And measured again, then the voltage shows 0,8 - 0.85, but as all now, the water does not live forever, and it returns to like 0.7 again. After a bit of thinkin, I thought, It must be a way to have the water stay there, water ? Hwo say anything about water ?? This is my way to increase the voltage, I took som vaseline (just for fun) and grease in the rods and a little on the side of the balls (where the rods make the contact) and waited for a while.
Then I measured again, and this time it shows 1,17v between the rods. As happy I was I waited a 15 minutes more and measured again, and this time it shows 2,2v and the last time I waited for a half an hour and this time it shows 2.5 v. I have not measured after that.

So my question is,, is this dagerous ?
Shall I take the vaseline of and get down to 0.7 again ?

Wat do you guys think ?

Best regards from Tommy

Its been a while since I entered this forum last. For what I am reading, the interest in the ballzinger has not faded, and there will always be much interest on this issue. Does it work or not?. Most of the questions asked here are already replied to among the many threads in this forum, just do a search under “ballzinger” and you will get a lot a reading!.

I truly hope that Tommy241168 did not tried to zap his balls with 9V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ouchhh.

The ballzinger should generate between 0.6V - 0.8V ideally, anything more than that may be harmful for your balls or who-knows-what else. I will certainly not want you to fry your balls for our curiosity. Just keep using the ballzinger the way it is, without even vaseline, and you may notice its results rather soon.
If you do not get immediate results, do not despair, and do not try to force the results by increasing the voltage. Just think about making a good stew. It must be cooked on low heat for a long period of time…

I still have requests from members interested in making a ballzinger, I think it will a good idea to build a website dedicated to the ballzinger with all the information everyone may want. I know I will have lots of contributors from this forum and others!

In the event that my friend Tom Hubbard may still be reading these forums, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas in Vern….. if you finally made the move.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!


Lonelybb : no I diden`t try the 9v battery, I diden`t have the guts to try :)
Thank you for the good advice about the voltage, I will from now on use the normal level of voltage and be patient with it`s use.

I have read the post in this forum and it seems to me that the voltage has bean a priority on the zinger, maby I had a wrong or misleading reads about it, but anyway, I keep the level on the 0,7 v like the first time.

I also have read a little about the e-Stim tool that can be used for sex stimulate it sure sound fun and all, but it is werry expensive to buy, like 200-500 dollar for one unit, here is a cupple of web site that people can read about it. and http://www.sext … m/ees-safe.html
Does anyone around here try to make one and did it work ?

The only reason for me to use the zinger is to maby increase the level of sperm and have a little bigger out come of it, I don’t shoot werry well and I have not so much of it ether so I hope the zinger will help me to get this on a better level.

I also do some milking ( I use the drum stick tool) to increase the lenghten and thinknes of the penis and I must say, so far it works werry well :)

A web site for the zinger is a good idee I think :)

Again, thank you for your answer lonelybb

Regards from Tommy

AMEN lonelybb, everything you said has happened to me too bud!! I’m only 35 but have had trouble with erections for a while. The increased size and vascularity of the veins on my ball sack and penis astound me and kind of freak me out but hell I love it and I cannot believe how it has helped out my flaccid hang! UNREAL!! My whole package ALWAYS feels warmer and the morning wood is teenage like!:) I’m NEVER getting rid of this rop. LATER

It looks like this thread has died , too bad!!!!! The ball zinger really works!!

Stumppuller71, what design of the bz are you using?

Glad to hear it works for you. I’m inspired to haul mine out again (which means take ten minutes and build another) - I’ve run out of L-argnine :D

I am using 3/8 zinc rod from Mcmasters and a 3/8 copper rod from Home Depot…refrigerator tubing.

I have noticed though that you do not have to wear the ring constantly after the 6 week mark. I only usually put it on at night now and I’m doing well that way. It doesn’t hurt to supplement with tribulus tessterus or nitric oxide because I think the ring actually help make these supplements more ” absorbable” in the system. Just a hypothesis so don’t quote me on that…….lol

By the way the results I had with the ring are from the ring only because I discontinued supplementation of other products while I wore it to make sure it was for real and to lower the variables involved.

It sucks but Mcmasters will NOT let you order the zinc anymore. They told me in an email that they are only taking orders from long standing buisness customers…………bullcrap!!!!!!! I lost a ring in the bar one night while I was on the dance floor….ooops.LOL. then I made a ring for a friend, and now I am on my last ring……….. at least with the 3/8 zinc.

But before I received my zinc from mcmaster I devised a ring from 1/4 inch copper refrigerator tubing and a 1/4 inch piece of zinc galvanized nail that I cut to fit. It was .5 volts………not bad eh?

My other ring puts out .8 to .850 volts when it is clean and I’ve been experimenting with vaseline to create a stronger current without adding a battery or extra pieces of zinc and copper to run in parallel.


Last edited by Stumppuller71 : 05-23-2006 at .

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