Hi Skeptic,
Find out how many rods you will need to put on to have a normal stretch (not maximum stretch).
Wear it the first 2 weeks with less tension, that will allow your unit to acomodate to the stress. After that you can screw up the tension or put more rods.
Wear it no longer than 1 hour per session because it constrict the head a bit that means you will need to allow new fresh blood circulation to your head.
Total wearing time per day should be 12 hours maximum and 3 hours minimum. Depends how much time and effort you want to put on.
There is a trick to avoid slipping the head out of the attachment. Take a little piece of elastic band (about 1 inch) and wrap just behind the head (where you attach the PM), that will built a constriction. Than squeeze gentle your shaft and you will see that your head swells. Put than the PM on. A bigger head will avoid the slipping from the attachment.
Additionally, wraping will avoid that you pinch the skin when you put the PM on.
Stretch always flacid (doesn’t matter if you get aoursed in the middle of a session…).
In principle, it doesn’t mother if you wear it upwards or down, so wear it the way you feel better.
Feel free to ask again if you have more questions.